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Everything posted by mackem

  1. I have had rats and crickets,I have never drank beer though lol.
  2. Ripley have a few,a lot of the museum collections have being removed from public view,the pitt rivers museum in Oxford used to have some very nice examples in.
  3. What was the strangest thing you ate on the dark continent ditch,I think the only thing I would think twice about eating are the fly patties around lake Malawi.
  4. mackem

    THC vapes

    GW might be one of them,done exceptionally well million quid plus house etc,all legal.
  5. I did the kerala backwaters,did you go to the coast to see the Chinese fishing nets?I had the shits,wiped my bum on a pair of socks as it was all I had,threw them into the street and saw a kid walk off with them,total poverty.
  6. mackem

    THC vapes

    I might even know that chap,certainly know someone who worked for the company GW?(not GW pharma,GW initials).
  7. Liquid shit is everywhere,look into an earth toilet it's like an artists pallette with multicoloured liquid shit,everyone gets the squirts with bum gravy.
  8. mackem

    THC vapes

    As downsouth said UK sold/made vapes can have anything in them UNLESS they are from a licenced med-grade source in a legal country,the average Brit knocking them out in the kitchen while his family are in bed hasn't a clue what's in the vapes he is making.
  9. My first venture into Indian food was in Delhi,the city,I caught amoebic dysentery that trip.
  10. Been past this shop a hundred times probably over the years and never once seen it open,loads of taxidermy gathering dust.
  11. Spoke to a couple of young farmers earlier in London,they ain't happy.
  12. Tried a newly opened restaurant today just off trafalgar square,great decor very good food.
  13. No sir,Watford gap is a bit tame pour moi.
  14. Crocs for the win. I just realised the last time I had a fry-up breakfast was a vegetarian one,haven't had a real full english with bacon and sausage for years,got to look after your health as you get older I guess.
  15. I ain't even making this up,we actually spoke about getting one a few weeks ago.
  16. You know it old chap,not from sunderland nowadays however surrey/Ottawa sounds better,lol @Borr will tell you how posh my accent is,positively etonian.
  17. Ha'way Walt man,I ain't got sliders or a dryrobe,don't call people dude,we all have to die it's part of life and only a puff can't run 5k (once your cardio goes your f****d),the rest is probably accurate though,that breakfast looks worth waking up for,it's an ideal start to the day. My normal/average breakfast nowadays.
  18. Firing ball bearings through the vehicle windows with his wife inside,bad news.
  19. Looks nice ditch. My sort of breakfast.
  20. Thanks mate,I thought it might be a strain name like mighty mite.
  21. GG#4?What is a "Mighty" dmd?
  22. Wait for the safe word.........GINSTERS!!!
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