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Everything posted by mackem

  1. No mate,but I will later,just got in,been out all afternoon up your neck of the woods,Hertfordshire,seen quite a few Muntie,I will check Ren out in a bit.
  2. Sun was out today,beautiful weather,fish and chips for lunch,and a smoked haddock scotch egg.
  3. The ending,as you said,gutting,she played a great character.
  4. My neighbour has a pair of bengal cross cats,beautiful things.
  5. Must have seen over a hundred today.
  6. Had snow crab here last week,had to go back for the lobster today,really filling,great food.
  7. I have had rat,first time I had it the menu on the board said Star meat,I asked the guy what it was he said spell it backwards.
  8. Sent one off to Canada for when I get back,and got another one for the UK.
  9. mackem

    THC vapes

    Better caught in Thailand than singapore in transit. Four Brits face 10 years inThai prison after they are 'caught smuggling cannabis stuffed inside seven suitcases while returning to UK' | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK The Brits were pulled aside by suspicious security guards just before they boarded their flight at...
  10. NYC Man Caught in Viral Video Calmly Eating Raw Dead Rat on Busy Sidewalk in Broad Daylight: ‘This is How Zombie Movies Start’ WWW.MEDIAITE.COM In the clip, a man is sitting on a Bronx sidewalk when he picks up the rodent and begins to eat from its...
  11. Try guinea fowl curry,i am actually going for a guinea fowl kebab maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.
  12. Extra Virgin olive oil on toast and mushrooms in salted butter?Marry me!
  13. mackem

    THC vapes

    That used to be the high times cup but that located to the states when legalisation came in,it was like Hampton court and Chelsea flower show with a hint of kew gardens,some beautiful flowers on show back then.
  14. mackem

    THC vapes

    It's a flower/trade/industry show mel,bit different from spannabis,a friend of mine started the show originally in Amsterdam,it's since been moved to Barcelona,better weather.
  15. mackem

    THC vapes

    420 cup is on in Barcelona next month,get yourself over immerse yourself in the subject,you might enjoy the trip Mel.
  16. Looks good mate,what was the closest you got to a Hare?
  17. mackem

    THC vapes

    Scientists are studying the effects of cannabis on sea birds.They've left no tern unstoned.
  18. If i am going to pull the plug and get one Leo I would opt for top of the range binoculars,and there's new models coming out often making older versions even older by six months obsolete,i will wait till something catches my eye.
  19. I have permission on a few fields used for horses,but this place is for the shooting elite,i was in an oasis surrounded by pheasant feeders and tweed,might take a nocturnal walk.
  20. Slow walk around,saw seven roe,about 10 hares and pheasants in the dozen,not one rabbit.
  21. Just hit a cock pheasant full in the chest with 9.5 steel bearing and he flew off as if it didn't even phase him,should have brought the rifle as I could see a portion of his head.
  22. Well done to him mate,takes after his uncle,sounds a good guy.
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