I think they have allowed a limited number?Farmer was on the news earlier saying they are making pancakes outside parliament,I am in town tomorrow so maybe parliamentary posh pancakes for lunch.
Largest landowner in the world juk you said,king charles has something ridiculous like 9 million square kilometers of crown land in Canada alone.The church can't match that.
I got olives after the failed gun deal,cheered me right up,I only went into the gun shop to see what they had in,I had cash so he was going to do me a deal,his loss.
Muslim already did that.
The story of Yousef Palani: A homophobic killer who sickened the nation
Were there any earlier signs from that Yousef Palani could commit such violent crimes? Sorcha...
Your f***ing not,your in a timewarp,northern soul and Brut,back to the future Bangers,lol,you can probably still buy a 10p mix up in the local shop in your dimension.