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Everything posted by mackem

  1. I think they have allowed a limited number?Farmer was on the news earlier saying they are making pancakes outside parliament,I am in town tomorrow so maybe parliamentary posh pancakes for lunch.
  2. #Notalotofpeopleknowthat
  3. Largest landowner in the world juk you said,king charles has something ridiculous like 9 million square kilometers of crown land in Canada alone.The church can't match that.
  4. King charles?If you count in Crown land?
  5. Yeah bruv,always give zakat. (Got free B&B at the golden temple in Amritsar,eaten alive by bedbugs,and ate in Buddhist temples in the past).
  6. Yes Bro,just been to Hounslow for my free iftar innit.
  7. Outside parliament tomorrow they would make a few quid,the farmers are cooking and giving away pancakes.
  8. I got olives after the failed gun deal,cheered me right up,I only went into the gun shop to see what they had in,I had cash so he was going to do me a deal,his loss.
  9. I did actually ask did they have any in .20 lol,point of sale I had no ID whatsoever on me so they wouldn’t sell me one,fair enough I guess.
  10. Everyone in the house was receiving benefits,the police were trying to work out could they save 350k PLUS euros on welfare,lol.
  11. Went out to buy an air gun,ended up just getting a Nando.
  12. You have more faith than I mate,give it time,I used to think the same about Ireland,time and pressure.
  13. EVERYWHERE is being overrun,even european strongholds like Poland will crumble,just takes time and pressure.
  14. Muslim already did that. The story of Yousef Palani: A homophobic killer who sickened the nation WWW.IRISHEXAMINER.COM Were there any earlier signs from that Yousef Palani could commit such violent crimes? Sorcha...
  15. Loved that,great the way he hit the museum,not so good an ending (crime didn't pay).
  16. Basketball courts next to the cockpits,everyone and their mam wears a basketball vest in the PI,basketball and sabong crazy.
  17. Had owt last month mate?My son booked us an Air BnB right next to a very nice river across the pond for a week in September.
  18. mackem


    Keep on going D,hope your getting home today.
  19. Your f***ing not,your in a timewarp,northern soul and Brut,back to the future Bangers,lol,you can probably still buy a 10p mix up in the local shop in your dimension.
  20. f***ing hell Bangers your living in the 1980's lol
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