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mackem last won the day on January 29

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27,048 Excellent


About mackem

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Outside the box looking in!

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  1. Think how much pension they can save if they stretch the men's retirement age to 70,or 70+
  2. The government are working people right up to the brink of death.
  3. Logans Run state euthanisation was aged 30,I retired on my own terms long ago so I am opting out.
  4. And your off to Australia,get a new lease of life,sun on your face,how long you going for?
  5. New Zealand is totally banning greyhound racing from next year (2026).
  6. I did the same,wanted to shoot an elephant-No answer from JS.
  7. Medical plane with a sick child and her mum plus nurses on board.
  8. I think 80% of rural houses nowadays have no toilet,when your on a train journey through India as the sun is rising you see people squatting in fields,easy pickings for leopard and tiger,I even remember reading about village rapists who would assault women on the edge of a village when they went out in the early hours for toilet and ablutions.
  9. Starting to get into birding now mate,especially BOP's,seen quite a few species the past few years.
  10. I wonder how many Caucasians over the years have been taken?Indian toilet habits have probably helped many leopard and tigers secure a meal.
  11. Young inexperienced leopard?
  12. The only wild brit birds i have fed were robins and ring necked parakeets.
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