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Everything posted by fellman

  1. im sure he would love to speak to you and moo just p m him telling him when your ringing im sure he would tell you what the score is
  2. again ring the fella up and speak to him ......................yis fellman
  3. one spotted and filmed round the corner from me in chorley
  4. mine wont work either
  5. in fact f**k it you have his number ring him and sort this out because i will not be adding to this because i have no idea whats going on . so speak to the guy whose litter it was and stop having a pop at me ............... FFS
  6. Never said a thing Felly, and i ain't spoke to you or Ting Tong in ages so don't drag me into anything ya big girl, you should know i'm not one for gossiping, i said you were having 2 of them thats all and thats only coz chocolate lips told me, i didn't know about a hernia either, but i presume you are running one on for Ting Tong anyway aren't you? its always happening with the dogs so no surprise that somebody gave backword on Moo having a pup, its a shame as it would see 20 times the amount of game these three will, and besides anything else its always shit when your told you can have somet
  7. i have the one with a hernia and it was caused by the bitch nipping off the umbilical cord too close the the belly .hardly reason to put down a fit pup? IF it turns into an issue it will be delt with .. but im guessing you already knew that didnt you?what with the big fella being up with you the hernia is about 1 cm long so its hardly going to make a massive differance and if needs be i can always get it sorted
  8. no idea mate? were you offerd one? did you turn it down? i have no clue mate? why didnt you take one? yis fellman i was offerd two when the litter was born .....so im guessing not?
  9. cant make a silk a silk purse out of a sows ear ,or polish a turd mate . i am only as good as the dogs that are given to me these are bred right so its up to them ...................yis fellman Are you working both of them Fellman? i will be yes mate no pot lickers here if i have anything to do with it
  10. cant make a silk a silk purse out of a sows ear ,or polish a turd mate . i am only as good as the dogs that are given to me these are bred right so its up to them ...................yis fellman
  11. you know me yippy just a shy boy at heart
  12. phtos courtesy of Wonder, Blunkett and Charles ?????????????????? good luck mate
  13. all my dogs are from ireland and they are docked. bought from a ad i saw somewhere.............cant remember where
  14. wilf that guy in your pic there doing the x factor thing with his arms........ is he the guy who sang "all i want is a room somewhere"? and got to the semi finals only to be beaten by the welsh guy with the white hair?
  15. what you mean the litter of pups he bought in from ireland and wants chipping like a good dog owner .he couldnt get in trouble for that ..... now could he
  16. personaly i would go further afield and find THE best dog i could ....yis fellman
  17. rip thoughts with family yis fellman
  18. awee and git me baffies bairn..... i used to go with a scots lass.....haverd shite most of the tim e...but she made up for it in other ways....and no she was not from dundee............ oh yeah she also got me into ovd.......gods rum so it is
  19. the worlds an emptier place without you rip
  20. Look up a song by The Proclaimers .....called "cap in hand" good song still think scotland would be f****d without the english £££££££££££££££££££££
  21. ok i will vote with you tom IF you agree to compulsory repatriation of all scots .AND the rebuilding and strenghening of hadriens wall.........with lets say a bottle of single malt per grown man sent down over the border as a thank you
  22. sat here broken hearted ..and hungry........i thought you were a mate of mine ! lol stabs ...............talks sense wilf .............for a sing song round the old joanna jr yipp ..........cos he knows everything woodga ...........knows his stuff rob............. just a good lad chief ............cos there is no show without punch stabs ....good chap a long long list ...and while they are all eating id feck off out and find some decent mates !!!!!!!!!!
  23. if we are going down the OLD route what about if we move the border down to lancaster where it used to be and have the townsfolk of those places newly released into the scots nation killed or moved out to the edges where they can scrape a living in servitude to the sweatys???????? oh and we expect an apology for all the raping and pilaging you lot have done over the years ..... from when the wall was built right up to and past when you dug wembly up ............. yours in kind anticipation ...............fellman ps i kinnda like the sweatys and their REALLY beautiful count
  24. prefer to celebrate culodden myself but what the hell everyone to their own
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