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Everything posted by fellman

  1. In my experience he does'nt,but that's my personal experience of what I've seen so I don't want anybody throwing toys out of the pram. If offered I would'nt have another with Chaz the sire. Also in my experience quite a few are not mentaly stable either and others if honest will say the same,never the best foundations for a working terrier. I have one out of a son of Chaz and he's ok,steady but no world beater (then again how many of those are out there ).Then he has good Gould yo-yo outcross blood running through his veins which calms things down and add's those missing ingredients we
  2. about a mile from me ............. its a shit junction
  3. and you my friend have no idea what your talking about ! rspca are the ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will take your dogs off you and have you up on any number of false allagations! there are stacks of those look around on this site you will find many instances on links here and there yis fellman dont let them anywhere near !!!!!!!!!!!!!! c**ts to a man
  4. the "crumble test" if it crumbles when you roll it between your thumb and forefinger its bat droppings if it does not its mouse droppings
  5. FFS dogs do not know what a gun is ............... if they did they would probably shoot some of their owners going of what some of you have written ................. i have sent a few dogs to rainbow bridge and not one of them knew it was comming ............ if you take on the responsibility of a dogs life, you also take on the resposibility of its death...............man up or ship out............. no wonder we are over run with shit dogs of all descriptions...................yis fellman
  6. having just done the rhsp level 2 with THE biggest pest control firm i can assure you there is no cheating and the exam papers are not known before you get there so how the feck you can cheat is beyond me ............ yis fellman oh yeha and i passed any jobs going im open to offers
  7. once had a terrier that gave a shrew a real hard stare!!!!!!!!!!! that dog was tough!
  8. just been out to my three and they looked at me as if to say " whats your problem.....im trying to sleep here2 bomb proof i think is the phrase . yis fellman
  9. getting away with being a plummer????????????????????? sain frain???????????????????????????????? man robs a living .....also his writing detracts from his art yis fellman
  10. congratulations hope everything you want for her she gets............ grand yis fellman
  11. where did you take this one mate? those dogs look familier yis fellman
  12. they are red garden ants........simple really .yis fellman
  13. im sorry if hes ill ................but i still have the same one word summing up of the man ................. hope hes ok though .................... yis fellman
  14. i didnt have to think about it THATS THE f*****g POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 all i saw was the title of the thread and instantly it came to me KNOB SEE NO THOUGHT AT ALL ..... YOU WANT ME TO REPLACE DITCH ...OK ILL TRY " isnt the mk 2 wallaghby trap from norway the best thing thing you ever saw??????????" i im not being funny but i have hunted more in the last twenty mins trying to swat a fly...........f**k i cant be arsed .......... whatever ...................opinions are like arseholes ................everyone has one!
  15. who put the ball in the wolves net who put the ball in the wolves net super super john super super john super super john .super john mcginley wolves lol eternal bridesmaids.im afraid............yis super white fellman
  16. nice words my friend but utter bollox im afraid. the man is dirty old hermit who suddenly after years of staying in his house decided to become a pest controler......and the man has emotional as well as personal self esteem issues. i refer you to my previous post one word ....................................KNOB...............................
  17. stiffmiesters main job is being the company shag piece thats when the black marine whos his boy friend lets him out tfor others to felch !!!!!!!!!1 gimpy looking arse bandit ...whos dogs have a liking for mutton! keep your head down and ill see you when your home messer!!!!!!!!! yis fellman
  18. just a quickie can i ask where you bought the digging boots mate? they look like either miendles or cabelas? can you tell me what they are like? yis fellman
  19. fobia?????????? is that like a phobia? if so you may be correct chris jones mod with a delusion of grandure? lol yis fellman
  20. Fellman has now been warned. Reason For This Warn Adjustment: For Being A Messer And Afraid Of The Spade :kiss: thanks mate always there when you need them yis fellman
  21. its spitting !

    everyone inside its spitting!!!

  22. i havnt had a warning from you i was wondering if you would reconsider?
  23. so then i assume you have cleaned that shit up by now then?
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