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Everything posted by fellman

  1. amazing what stamp of cur you can pick up at the local dogs home ....... nice dog and nice in the flesh too ................... yis fellman
  2. when all that is said and done .its much nocer to dig when there is no frost on the floor and you also get to dig multiple quarry too ............ its all good .......isnt it????
  3. i think your right Aaron ill leave it there ................. yis fellman
  4. when you make a statement i hope you can back it up with more than rumors and hear say, to blame Liverpool fans for the events that happened that day , shows not only you ignorance of that tragedy but also the misconception portrayed in the media of which it seems you were a victim, when you take up the position of chief constable of a police force you take up the post to protect and serve the community , on that day they failed no matter who turned up with or without tickets the chief constable appointed the officer in charge that day to act as his Representative to carry out supervis
  5. blame lies in lots of places ................................. noone deserves that ending to their lives but the blame lies with the police, stewerds , FA and ( some aint gonna like this) LIVERPOOL fans turning up with no tickets and causing crush outside doors .............. blame everywhere but for me LFC fans have more than their fair share of the blame ........ yis fellman
  6. not sure about that you would have to ask people who have seen her dug to .... i have not had the privledge. ....................
  7. messer of the highest order ................................
  8. i would have thought way more than half ........................... anyway now i know im a messer so its time to back out of here ...... nice to have known you all ........................... yis king of the messers fellman
  9. i like mine burnt but moist inside ..................lol eggy bread

  10. well bolton is nowhere near bolton abby my friend take a look at a map ......................just saying ...yis fellman
  11. top notch book well presented and some decent pics.......... however.teh content is a little............... how do i say this....................immature? as has been said too much doubling up trenching on etc etc . yis fellman
  12. all the above may or may not be true.............what i do know is thew one time i met him is that lets say it didnt go to well ....................hes a knob and dont like it when you tell him ........................knob yis fellman
  13. NOW................. im sick as f**k .................
  14. fordi calm down take a deep breath and ignore who you want to and take the good as it comes ..nice to see another boltonian on the boards yis fellman
  15. and you mr friend are a knob of the highest order..................its what terriers (some anyway) have been bred to do for hundreds of years ....................snot gobbler!
  16. likes to keep things quiet ??? why did he write a fecking book then ?? i was about to write the same thing lol ................
  17. to be bluntly honest ( and trying not to be a t88t) its not a great start and if a dog has found it should STAY........ if it cant find thats fine lack of experience etc etc ...... but finding and comming away is a long long slippery slippery slope ........................... hope im wrong but i doubt it yis fellman
  19. i dont know how this has become public knowledge but i would like any queries to go to my solicitor whose address is brief@ladybirdbooks.co.uk i am sure he will inform you of my legal position and copyrightlaws all of which i am in breech of lol f*****g too much time on your hands boys lol yis fellman
  20. I don't know anything about that, they are my pups and i say who gets them, nobody else. those are the ones ...............and you do know because we had a conversation about them via pms........ anyway good luck with them ...... yis fellman
  21. my brother was british champ at three weights .maybe you would know him ?
  22. are we men or kids?whats wrong?what ever the line is,who bred it who,s the sire what,s the dam,if grafts and your happy with it,and your getting the right results,thats all that matters,you the gambler is still asking all questions. maybe he is asking questions because he is not getting any answers? just a thought ..
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