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Everything posted by dingo1

  1. Hello and let me say that your pup looks very thick and rugged, I am new to the sporting culture and the Airedale is one of the breeds that i am interested in owning as part of my working group of 3 to 5 dogs. I saw that you said " was talking to a bloke in the States who has had both types: the lightly built and leggy, and the heavier tank jobs. Both, he said, have their uses, but the heavy, stocky sort cause (and I quote his own words) "a world of pain to their quarry". I guess he's talking about coyotes and the like."; you were speaking about a guy you know in the states/U.S. and I am very
  2. Thanks for the reply greggy and yes initially I feel rats would be the safest and easiest way for me and the dogs to progress to larger game/quarry. Also I am in no rush i plan on coming to visit my uncle in Belgium soon and would like to look at some of the breeds I mentioned in my post in the gallery. I am looking at some of the clubs and organizations here in the U.S. but I would prefer breeders from the U.K., excuse me if that sounds biased towards European breeders? Maybe after i learn more about the breeds/breeders/cost etc., if I saw what I liked here in the U.S. I would buy from a U.S.
  3. yes mate they would happilly work rats but these are kept for earth work firstly,and maybe do some ratting when its quiet anything to keep the farmers happy.welcome to the site.what do you hunt over there if you dont mind me asking? I will be working ALOT and I mean Alot of private acreage with tons of Raccons, Rats, Oppossum, Ground hogs, Rats, Badgers, Rabbits, coyote, and did I mention rats? I posted some pics of breeds I am interested in the gallery under the title "all show and no go". I am very interested in the Irish, Patterdale, and Black&Tan terriers and welcome any advice
  4. Hello gentlemen(and I don't just throw that word around) I am new to this entire sportsman culture but I must say those pics look Good! And the terriers look like Workers! What is there breeding? And do these dogs work rats also? All vermin? I am just a new guy with a few questions, I posted an introduction and some pictures in the gallery of breeds that are of interest to me. Any info. or advice is ALWAYS Appreciated! Keep'em Workin!
  5. Thats just the breeds that have caught my attention with their ratting abilities&hunting skills(according to the more experienced ratters & video i've seen) and my eye because... well because damn don't they just look noble and loyal and tough, etc., etc.! I was just using this list to hopefully get feedback from members; I could never have a shopping list like that just planning on making picks from those breed types to start my working terrier group. Also why did Pritch say "forget plummers,ATB Pritch" ? Is this truth or more of a personal sentiment? I want to know I thought they loo
  6. Hello my name is Larry E. Galloway Jr. and I am from Chicago, IL (U.S.) PLEASE any and all info. or advice is WELCOME!; I am looking to construct a working terrirer group/hunt pack of 3 to 5 animals Patterdales, Wyndum, Plummers, Lakeland, Jagd, Fell are my breeds of choice and say a couple of Airedales PLEASE see my post in the Members Gallery "All Show & No Go?" to see pics of theese breeds. I will have access to lots & lots of acres and there will be many, many rats, oppossum, raccoons, coyote and rabbits! I have an uncle who lives in Belgium, I will be visiting him and looking to p
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