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About BSAScorpionT10

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 05/05/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wirral, Merseyside
  • Interests
    Hunting, Target shooting
  1. .177 go straight through the target, .22's best allround!! like you say just have to compensate with the trajectory.... at 40+yds
  2. What do you prefer? The good old Springers or Pre-Charged? Which is the best way to go?
  3. HEY CONEY,I,VE GOT A SIS,FANCY SWAPPING YOUR HW100 FOR HER RIGHT ARM?I'LL GET U BOTH AT A PUSH BUT THE SCOPE WOULD HAVE TO BE INCLUDED.... hahaha. so i take it the hw 100 is the better choice, qaulity german manufacturing as allways...the bmw's and mercedes of air guns
  4. they are both two cracking pieces of kit, im after a new one. which do you prefere? what are your good and bad point's regarding these guns.
  5. Hi guys? Would you say my rifle is in that type of classification? does this matter? or do you think this is personal oppinion?
  6. That's a brilliant rifle the Super10.
  7. a nice easy one for you guys, i dont know if you have heard but raw rotten stinkin fish? Thanks for your ideas tho guys... will have to try them!! just need to make a list and go shopping lol.
  8. I do agree with you both, if you look how far the barrel goes into the T-10 you wouldnt worry. i personally feel it would be more of a concern if you owned the bull barrel version. ive never met anyone whos had this problem before, i dont know about you?
  9. yes it is pretty much the same loading mechanism.
  10. BSA Scorpion T-10 mate, can't go wrong!
  11. yes they are low on the power, pistols are great fun tho.... look like the real thing
  12. Hi sykes, Take it that is the Lightning? what a springer!! i do like them custom moderator?
  13. They are both excellent weapons of choice, i have always been a big fan of the Weihrauch 77, specially the 97k.. top rifle.. you know the brocock? do you charge the ammo? i love them, nice peice of kit
  14. Hello all, Please post personal pics of BSA Scorpion T-10. Thanks
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