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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. It saddens me everytime i see mixi,and not just cz it spoils my hunting On a lighter note im looking forward to a cracking summer
  2. Went out tonight and shot a few conieS.Is it just me or do other members think there is an abundance of rabbits this year.The area i was in this evening was absouletly teaming with them.Have seen the same in other areas.
  3. I actually never gave them a thought lol Got my thumb caught in one when i was a kid once.Good job there banned eh Yes good job they are BANNED
  4. I actually never gave them a thought lol Got my thumb caught in one when i was a kid once.Good job there banned eh
  5. Well mate i hope its not a litter of 14,there hard work,but i actually love rearing them up.
  6. Cheers matey back out tonight with the rifle and the lamp,these kits are crossed with locusts i think lol
  7. Took one of last years hob's to give him bit expierence and i needed food for my exceedingly large litter of kits http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00091.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00090.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00093.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00094.jpg
  8. someone bought a silver hob off me £20 and she drove i think 160 miles one way to get it, not sure exactly on distance but she was from up past Edinburgh and im from tyne and wear, it came to £ all together including her fuel I think i know the lady in questio.I often pass her in a bright yellow bus.She drools a lot if remember correctly.
  9. Seems like your well rid of her mate.
  10. i'm sure they'll be a young/old lady somewhere thinking the same?????? She was actually a bisexual austrian,I wonder what happened to her? Check the cellar.
  11. I still got my lunch money from 1st day at skool
  12. I used to be proud to be.Not any more sadly!
  13. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z3V698JzqC0
  14. Im sure they were taller the last time they came to Manchester!
  15. Its amazing how you get attached to the wee buggers.Sorry to hear about your jill matey
  16. What happened to its leg will?
  17. Ideally i would like to see mine all in working homes,but its not always feasible.Aslong as they get a good home and are cared for it dont matter to me.I never charge for my ferts but thats just me and i dont knock the lad for getting a few quid as he said it can run in to a few quid.
  18. That was her 1st litter and will be her last a few years,but do you reckon cz it was the size of the litter and if i ever breed her again will she maybe throw another deformed.Im saying deformed i havent a clue if it was born like that or the jill maybe did it.I only noticed it cpl days ago as i never look at kits till there 2weeks.
  19. It would be funny to see someone ferreting in aplace like that lol
  20. Not suprised is there any animal the french dont eat?
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