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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. It wasn't a hard enough time for him to buy and sell the lamp was it??? His phone or computer must've been working alright when he complained it wasn't the variable blitz and then all of a sudden it stops!!!! Only thing worse than getting ripped off by someone.....is when the person is meant to be one of 'your own'.......at the end of the day, if you aint willing to fulfill your end, you shouldn't be entering into deals with anyone!!! Simple!!!!! noddy the knob pay up you low life b*****d kicking off with the lad over it not being a variable he then offers to refund you and does an
  2. Not looking for an argument but before you started you should have found the basics out.Anyway good luck with the kits.
  3. I can't wait to read my Biography, dimples! When Are ye going to write it ~ from ye encyclopaedic knowledge of my life and times? Only may I suggest ye run it past Me first? So I might correct ye chronology? I was There, sunshine And what, pray, is the difference between the rabbit and its habits of today and twenty years ago? That should make almost as enlightening a read as ye forthcoming book. Only, what we did " in the olden days " was catch rabbits. I fail to see why such methods as we used then should fail to work with todays rabbits. In fact, the only reason I see for you lot bei
  4. I was once out and thought it a child was being murdered in a wood.Turned out to be a hare.
  5. He has the lads adress.Send the cheque dont need a f*****g phone
  6. Thats a lame excuse.If i owed someone a hundered quid i'd be sure to sort it out before a few weeks had past.
  7. People who dont speak English.Pisses me right off!
  8. "very good Sir" (doffs cap) Just kidding mate enjoy
  9. Its in their genes.They ought to be sterlised.
  10. Give the lad his cash back.Thats bang out of order!And we say the youth of today are all theiving untrustworthy chavs?
  11. Looking good mate.No be long till their bolting the coneys.
  12. Cheers for that kinda grey area but i stand corrected
  13. No you aint allowed to.If by razor wire you mean the same gear they use around prison walls.If so the its defo a NO NO!
  14. Its amazing how they adapt and imporovise around us.I think crows will rule the world some day lmao
  15. Its a job,but id pack it in the morra if i won the lottery
  16. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ5q1uyBLoY
  17. cheers scot I got the book yesterday. Only managed 10 mins online last night as I went to see a hore for sale and didnt get back till 10.30. good book and thanks a bunch im hoping thats your bad spelling, and my mis-reading, but you went to see a "whore for sale" LMAO whats the going rate these days. No probs wee man enjoy it
  18. I bought 20 of him they do the job fine.Worth it if you cant be bothered making some.
  19. http://boortz.com/mp3/archive/countdown.swf
  20. Won £50 once and a few ten spots.
  21. I give them chicken when i get in from work around 5pm.Just pick the bones out in the morning.I tend not to leave fresh meat in the hutch during the day in summer.I say that i gave them 4 thighs about an hour ago its all gone lol mind you there are 14 kits lol
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