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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. My old hob can only see out of one eye worked great.Having a fert who is partially blind aint really a big deal.N
  2. If the jill is in season welshhound2 and in good condition as you say,having a litter shouldn't be a problem for her. Not sure about you lining her yourself though,what would the neighbours say if they caught you. lol i was gonna make a comment on lining it himself
  3. If she is healthy and not run down then i see no reason for not lining her.Just be late kits thats all.
  4. I have heard they do come off heat themselfs.I have naever owned such a jill myself.If you lined her she would in all probability fall pregnant.Get a jab mate its not healthy having a jill in heat upsets the rest and there always a risk she might catch a infection.
  5. Only if you get caught Seriously you will need to get permission.Not so sure if you will get permission easily.Most councils will use their own pest control officers.But hey who knows you might get lucky.Failing that go when there no one about
  6. cheers that is a good point, i think i'll split them and then go from ther less then a week to go, hope i can get pic's on the day and put them up on here for the world to see lol Look forward to seeing them matey
  7. Haven't you got housework to do or something?To much time on your hands kay.LMAO JUST KIDDING.
  8. Went in this morning to give them some goats milk (ferts not ants) anywaythere was a few ants moving around in a basket i had on top of the hutch.I have no idea where they coming from.Possibly coming up through the floor but thats a guess.My question is are they a problem to ferts?Never had them near my court or shed before.
  9. Aye mate.its all ive ever worked Thats the only colour ive no got, old age i cant see them moving about on top in cover Well thats why this coming season i'm thinking about getting a locator.Been following stubbys review of that new one.Im undecided as yet never needed one before but getting paranoid in my old age lol
  10. LOL i fail to see how she is a lady boy?She has gotta be 40 if she a day Do ladyboys have an age restriction kay i have To tell you the truth kay i know nothing about ladyboys lol
  11. LOL i fail to see how she is a lady boy?She has gotta be 40 if she a day
  12. Why take the chance.All you will do is worry every day when your not there.You will be busy enough without another additional worry
  13. Anything i think my kits will eat,gets thrown in.No freezing.Road kill the lot lol Dun it for years.I draw a line at rats though.I have nothing to do with them.
  14. 14 mate biggest litter i have had.All healthy except one was born without a back foot Got a home for him so saved me doing the dirty deed.
  15. Aye mate.its all ive ever worked
  16. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HWrG1unl1iQ
  17. Cool thanks for explaining that Your braver than me mate.I detest rats.Avoid them if i can.
  18. In the event of being Ignorant.What is it stubby?
  19. Cheers guys.There now starting to be a handfull lol.
  20. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00137.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00139.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00138.jpg One of the jills i'm keeping http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00140.jpg
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