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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. When you get to grips with it you'll love it and come to rely on it. Practice throughout the summer months. Ive got a spare leather collar if you'd like to try that out? But my advice is fasten it tight, even tighter than you think you should go and you will have no problem. thanks very much,i will see how i go with the collar i get.If i feel its not right i will take you up on your offer
  2. Aye mate the silencer is fixed.Cheers guys i was kinda thinking it was pricey but i thought i could save on postage and shit but think i will leave it.Really need one that can take rabbits easy.
  3. Got the chance to buy a HW97 with hawke scopes.Its a nice looking rifle and good condition.it has a hawke scope on it and silencer.He wants 350 for it im not sure if its a good deal cz it is lacking power.What you guys think is it easy to replace the spring and boost it up a bit?I like it but it wouldnt kill a rabbit outright at the momment thanks in advance
  4. My mate bought a bacon roll and a hotdog for his kid.£7. i must admit the expression on his face was priceless lol
  5. aint many police like that about. but them break away snares that the snareman make are a good idea I was shocked when i saw the table with the gins and drag snares i thought here we go big lecture on the evils of hunting.No he chatted away and was definaetly not anti trapping ps sorry i thought it was woodga who made them.My apologies snareman
  6. Was talking to the police wildlife officer at scone fair today.He was showing me a drag snare and other stuff.Any way he was telling me that the drag snare was found in a womans garden with a very angry stripey attached.I was telling him about the break away snare woodga had made.Her hadnt heard of it but says seemed a good idea.He wasn't anti snaring at all he said they do a good job as long as they are set properly and checked regulary.Was actually pleasant to speak to a cop who knows what he was talking about.
  7. I have got good homes for some of my kits (poleys from working parents)I had an exceptionally large litter so if you can give a good home to any i will gladly let them go free of charge.I have posted pix on the site if you wanna check them out
  8. Yea i actually thought i would be outbided well pleased I read a quote from stubby saying that it took a cpl of seasons to get the hang of it.Squelch button seems to be a major factor methinks.Well hopefully it will be a good tool gotta move with the times i suppose
  9. Thanks for the tip mate.Im guessing that collar is a bit dodgy then?Hope there is instructions with it.
  10. Nice pic bet you get ducks landing in that water
  11. Thanks sue,dont know about happy im a bit slow when it comes to technology
  12. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140245692546 My 1st EVER locator
  13. Kids these days scared of getting wet just joking mate but i would have went in the rain
  14. Oh and if anyone is passing the scottish ferret show.Ask to see the kit i gave them with the missing back foot. I call him my left foot lol...
  15. I was there today it was a great day carpark is sound no need for wellies matey. Have a good day the morra
  16. They were using clear pipes.I say pipes it was like vent ducting but see through.Mines walked through the pipe lol was it a bring your own one then? All the ones ive seen have ferrets there and you just watch! I think you can use drainage with sections of mesh so you can see how they are doing Dunno if it was bring your own or not.Im sure they wouldnt have minded if you did.It was all for charity for scottish ferrets so a good cause.
  17. Funny you say that sue,on the way out a lot of ppl were sitting in at there cars with picnics.I will remember that next time Think the prices were shocking in saying that there must have been about 10million worth of 4x4 in the car park lol
  18. They were using clear pipes.I say pipes it was like vent ducting but see through.Mines walked through the pipe lol
  19. Was up at the game fair in scone today.Went down to watch the ferret racing.Wish i hadn't lost a fiver. No a bad wee money making scheme think i will get a stall next year lol.On a more serious note how the f**k can they justify the prices they charge for food.The day was great and lots to do but come on £4 for a plain burger roll
  20. If you need a hand to clear them out gimme a shout mate.
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