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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. I went and bought them for a collar.When i bought the collare it had one batt in it i took that to the shop and she gave me 2 charged me 6quid anyway the batt should not rattle when in the collar right?Cz it aint working are the batteries thicker than normal.I wish i hadnt got involved in locators lol
  2. They normally have them within a few miles of your home and very rarely in hospitals, more often than not they either have a Coach which they take to big offices and such as well as using Church Halls, Community Centres and so on. You cant expect them to come to your house to get 1 pint of blood, it would drain their resources. Regards SS I will look out for one.If its convienent i will give up a pint
  3. if they came to my house no problem.Im not going out my way and hospitals stink
  4. Its shocking mate,i would never try and rip off anyone.So much for karma eh lol
  5. Its an early mrk3 it has it written on it.I will get batteries today when i finish work and let you know how i get on.Cheers lads
  6. Until a cpl of the religious fanatic ferts crash it into your lounge allah polecat
  7. LOL aye and were dubious charachters at the best of times.I will need to buy batteries there was none in the collar or the locator.Do you just buy them from a jeweller those wee collar ones?
  8. Lucky sod thats all i can say.Would love to own a luger
  9. mind and give a wee sprinkle of baby bio now and again
  10. Right lads im off up the railway theres loads of copper cable runs for f*****g miles
  11. LOL some lads are just mental eh like the scrappie aint gonming to call the feds
  12. I know nothing about them so when you say they are shit.How shit lol will they locate or is it "SHIT" LOL
  13. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140245692546 Thats what he advertised
  14. Sent him cash in a registerd envelope.I dont have paypal.I cant be bothered with all the hassle.I have never owned a locator then reading all the posts i got swayed to getting one.how shit is this?And why does it say f*****g 3 on it
  15. Right ok heres a belter of a weapon and its carried everyday by everyone.Shown to me by someone in the security forces in N Ireland get a newspaper and fold it in half then roll it up as tight as you can.Its like a bar of steel.A crack on the jaw or side of the head will stun you or knock you down.He added it can be shoved into an eye socket with ease.
  16. cracking idea hope it works be good to see.If you can that is does it have a light or infra red.
  17. Is that a mark 2?It has written on it 3. What a c**t it was a bright orange one he had advertised.If he were closer id beat him to death with it.
  18. Its high in scotland.In fact was just reading in todays paper that the police are looking for whover stole a grands worth of man hole covers.Its in my area i might fall down one a claim the cooncil lol
  19. Disgusting mate.I would give them f**k all.Everyone is a potential terrorist.The 3million will go a long way in funding IEDS.Its a shithole of a place and the people who live there are evil c**ts.
  20. Well it arrived today and it aint the one he had advertised.Its grey and black also it does not have the squelch button.It has sliding buttons on either side.Im guessing the s and the l mean locate and search>the other side is to switch it on i think(no battery)It does say deben ferret finder 3.Im guessing i have been bumped
  21. Mines demolish a rabbit in a hour lol i pick out a carcass that looks like locusts have visited picked clean
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