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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Well my jill is with her 3 jill kits ther 8weeks on friday.She has stopped giving them milk but she still occasional tries to drag them out of the court back to the hutch.The prob is the kits are bigger than her lol
  2. Its a wide rubber hose and its deep down.What i did was cut some wooden blockers and i will put them on when i feed them and take them off in the morning when i remove what they aint ate.Cheers guys.
  3. Not really i only just opened up the underground pipes other day,Dint want the kits going down till they were a bit bigger.My concern is she leaves it there.Suppose i could leave it whole so she couldnt drag it down to the run.Think thats what i will do.
  4. Ok when i built my court i got some rubber hose and buried it under in the ground.I have another hose that allows my jill and 3kits to come from their hutch to the court.Well i put a cpl of pieces of rabbit in the hutch and my jill dragged it down the tube underground.I managed to fight the other piece of her before it went down aswell.Now its no easy task digging down to the tube and having to cut into the tube (i did it yesterday to get a ball) Fortuanaetly she dragged it back out.My question is will she leave meat down their and forget about it cz thats the last thing i need is rotten meat
  5. scothunter


    lol i've been living in a recession for almost ten years now! my car cost me $10 - last owner said it was irreparable, but i married a mechanic for a reason. ugly ass car but its more reliable than anything else i've seen come off the car lots. the last vacation i ever went on was a weekend hunting trip with my dad and husband. didnt see anything worth shooting but it was nice to hear crickets and birds and not motors and smell smog. i guess when you're not used to having money it doesnt really matter lol people all over the world over indulge and now they're mad and pissy because th
  6. Right i have been reading about the mrk 2 and 3 they say they look the same.The thing is i have one its is grey not got a squelch button but it defo says ferret finder 3.Im confused cz they say the mark 2 had no squelch.It seems to work ok although i have never tried it in the field yet.
  7. Well nice mate I have one like that but a bit lighter head and has a bit of red eyes.
  8. Just dod it/My neighbours will be wondering what im doing at 6.30am filling in a hole Hmmmm they will really think im weird.lol
  9. lol you senile old git,You shouldnt be allowed to keep livestock
  10. I do that go on holiday then cant be f****d leaving hotel lol
  11. Its normal this time of year for fuk sake dont take it to a vet mate,They rip of enough people.
  12. do the job just fine matey
  13. They can and also poleys can be taught to catch salmon.Rumoured they can hold their breath under water for up to 4mins.
  14. agreed overnight........... Sound will fill it back in before i go to work.
  15. well i told her that too. a responsible trapper doesnt set a line and come back three days later to check it... at least i hope not! not if you;re in the fur trade.. wouldnt that be too risky of damaging the fur or the animal gnawing its foot off and escaping? unless she means bear traps.... i dont know. some people are just closed minded and convinced there is no good method to it. the other thing i wonder is.... when out running bird dogs or rabbit hounds, what are the odds of your dog running into a trap? if you're THERE with your dog while hunting then you'd know if he got caught. th
  16. You will soon pick up the art of ferreting young man.Its not rocket science and an a great pastime cant wait to get out properly again
  17. I have many an argument over this question.If they are checked regulary and i mean regulary then i dont see a prob with them.However in saying that they are designed to hold and hold tightly!So i would have to admit that has got to be pretty sore at 1st,but then i can imagine it going numb to a point.However any animal caught in one does a fair amount of strugglin.Thats why if ever i set one id be sure to check on it.
  18. LOl thats a new one to me.Who thinks this shite up?
  19. Dumb question but here it goes.I have rubber tubes buried under my court for the ferts to run thru.Anyway a small ball got lodged down,So i dug down to the pipe and had to slit it open to get the ball out.Well i have covered it on silicone about an hour ago.Would it be ok to backfill the hole now?Will it still set.Im just worried the ferts will get out during the night and fall into the silicone.
  20. great pix mate.Is that near castle douglas?
  21. When they are weaned from the jill.If they are taking fresh meat and drinking water.Id say 7weeks
  22. Tell the ballifs to f**k off as for your kid throw the c**t out on his arse. I wouldnt go as far as disowning him.Secretly keep tabs on him and if he seems to be changing for the better,well you can start talking to him.Believe me mate when you get thrown out and no where to go or dossing on someones sofa no clean clothes and shit.It makes you f*****g realise what a waster you have become.I was a right wee b*****d whaen i was a teen.Fortunaetly i relised in time.
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