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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. My f*****g heart ,missed several bumps i can assure you mate lol
  2. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00163.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00164.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00165.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00166.jpg Heres mine it is made of buffalo horn and brass.Has bullet casings at the top.However as i said could be doing with a better bit elastic and better way to attach it.
  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ8nldHeyU4
  4. I have a catty cost me quite a bit.Thing is the elastic is a bit dodgy.Where the elastic goes into the eyelets to hold it well it niks the rubber and well basically a bad design.If any lads make cattys and has the time maybe you could fix it for me.I will pay you for the time.I will post a cpl pix if anyone takes up the offer
  5. The only reason im not a donator on this site.Come on admin give us another option to donate other than paypal.
  6. Should change berts name to sausage
  7. If you have one in the home please check that its still in date,and better still know how it works.My grill on my cooker went on fire.So im looking at it and thinking this is getting a bit out of hand panic beggining to seep in,then i remembered the extinguisher hanging on the wall.Grabbed it broke the seal and stood like a spare prick at a wedding trying to figure out how to set it off.Unknown to me the plastic trigger had fallen off when i pulled the pin.I ended up grabbing a towel and lifting the grill out the back (burnt my f*****g hand in the process)So lads and girls Please dont be irre
  8. done and lets hope it makes a diffrence
  9. Only got 3jills left out of my 14kits.All rehomed even the one born without a foot.lol
  10. The knife i always use have done for years,
  11. Cracking matey Gonna pinch that idea aswell lol
  12. They live in hutches mate inside the shed.I have hoses connected to the hutches that then leads into the court.Come and go whenever they please.Gonna build a wee nest box for them and put it in the run.They like to chill out on a good day lol will post a pic when its finally finished new roof and all
  13. i agree a solid roof, it provides shade from the sun plastic sheeting will turn it into a greenhouse and a solid roof will withstand the winter weather a lot better and longer Never be like a green house sue.It is made up of security mesh it all.Will be leaving the rest open just not the roof. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00058.jpg
  14. Think ill pop up and see ma maw tomorrow.Not visited in months. :wacko:
  15. I have the coney book.I actually thought it was a good read
  16. I know mate in hindsight i should left it when i noticed the price.Ah well its there now.Just got to fix it on the roof now.
  17. 8bucks for a wee bag of plastic seals.After paying those rip off prices im entitled to a freebie mate haha
  18. I cant believe you care kay lol
  19. Go to pets at home or somewhere like that.You can buy stuff for that kind of thing.Last place you want to go is to a vets wee man
  20. I decided to put sheets of that plastic corugated sheeting on my court.Went to b&q.f*****g hell cost me 72 quid for 3 sheets.I needed it though never realised it was as expensive.No way was i paying for the plastic seals for the screws.They got nicked lol
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