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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Looking good mate.All i would say is walk the lenghth of the tubing and triple check there are no weaknesses.If there a way to escape they WILL find it.Other than that i like your idea matey
  2. Yea it was the battieries i bought new ones for both collar and locator.Cost me £11 everything is rocketing in price these days.
  3. Hey warren as long as you keep them dry and cleaned out regulary they will be happy in their new home.There an old saying "you can only piss with the cock you have".
  4. Thanks lads do you take the batteries out of the collars aswell
  5. I got a new locator and put new batt in the unit and the collar.However it seems to be lacking in power.This was 3weeks ago its just been laying doing nothing.Should i have removed the batteries from the collar and unit?Would it do this or is there something wrong with locator.
  6. Aye good idea lets slate the youngster for trying to give his ferrets a bit more room.Whatever happened to sticking together and giving newbies a bit of encouregment in our sport.Yea some people do have better courts than others same as some people have better manners than others.You may very well have a better court than the kid thats no reason to slag off his.Stop being a tit mate
  7. lol there always a catch eh.Just messing did you manage to finish your book yet?
  8. Heard the same thing from a gun dealer said it will wreck your gun.I just bought a theoben evo cracking gun put a pellet through a coneys eye and out the other side didnt know what hit it
  9. Mines are biting a bit but they are starting to calm down.Handle them everytime you get the chance mate,they will eventually stop
  10. Just aquired myself some real good ferreting permission. Its teaming with rabbits with post some pix tomorrow im well chuffed gonna be a good season
  11. Tin of paint stripper nitro mors works well.
  12. Guess i will stick with the air arms then.I recently just bought my evo aswell.Im well impressed with it.The hawke night eye is a good addition too
  13. Fuk em carry it in whenever i get home.If anycunt said anything i'd dig them in the jaw.Although those antis are kinda hardcore.I worked as a killer for a few years in a slaughter house one day the scummy c**ts planted incendaery devices under the vans.One van got burnt out we got a day off work haha.Seriously though i dont give a shit what those bottom feeders think.
  14. A guy who owns horse stables near me has given me permission to hunt the rabbits on his parks.However in order to get the permission he wants the rats killed from his stables.Now the thing is i have never hunted rats and to be perfectly honest they make m,y skin crawl.My grandad who i never met died of weils dunno if hearing the stories made me not wanna go near em.Anyway to get the hunting i'm prepared to bite the bullet.I have spring traps and a good air rifle any tips would be greatly appreciated Poison isnt an option the guys to scared his horses fall ill.
  15. Yeah thats exactly what i mean! but your right not down the road fom me. Well where did u get it from? Cheers. Call a local cavity wall installer.The only thing is its pretty dear but maybe if you slip an installer a few quid he will see you alright.Pity i didnt know a lorry driver going down your way id have sent it down
  16. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00189.jpg Like that stuff you mean?Got a fair bit of it left however im in scotland.Its see through rubber hose. Heavy duty.You be welcome to it but as i said its not exactly round the corner lol
  17. whats the best slug to put through a theoben evo im currently using air arms diablo field.
  18. Good to see a dedicated youngster
  19. Great idea mate,gonna do that when i get home today cheers
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