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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Well me personally all my kits went to good homes.I never charge for any kits i have left after restocking.(i hasten to add i only breed ferts when i need to) If i did hear they werent looked after id do something about it.I fail to see whats making you laugh at people on this forum?Or maybe your just the drooling idiot i first thought you were.You know the type would laugh at a swinging gate!
  2. I had a samsung that did that.I binned ity got another.Hope you get better luck
  3. I didnt say they would be shite workers either, I said if the problems prevent them being used properly.......and IMO a persistant biter would not be a pleasure to work and so would get left at home of worse, taken to a rescue. Now thats what i would say was a sensible response.Come on wilf coming on here telling the lad to cull his ferts what did you expect the reponse would be.We all work our ferts but it cant be helped you get attached to the little buggers.Thats not saying im some kind of chicken hearted bunny hugger. Oh and i would never hurt a midget i love them wee people I
  4. heres a a few words for you "f**k off ya clown and id love you to be satnding next to me right now!Id show you who the f*****g tit was.
  5. I know f**k all about ugly foals however i do know about ferts.And one thing i do know is this.I have kept poleys for years and mine dont bite,they do as kits but with patience and handling they stop.However if i ever came across a fert that was like you say untameable (and i dispute this) I would certainly get rid. Oh and i wouldnt say this section is all about love and bunny huggers as you seem to hint it is. If you find the section so displeasing stay off it.
  6. scothunter


    cheers mate didnt work i will just wait and see might be a problem there end
  7. scothunter


    Been trying to ;og in to read my emails but wont let me.Sayng something about key ports Anyone else having problems?
  8. looking good mate,that should keep em going for a few days
  9. Gay lads ??????? If your talking about my son sorry your vryt wronge He's 38 his girlfriend is a gorgois 21 year old Didnt mean any offence just the way i read it mate No afence taken at least not by me you would'nt wqant to upset him he's 25 stone of mustle he would love to meet you ...and not in that 'manlove, love to meet you' sort of way either, I'd bet! :black eye: On second thoughts, 25 stone of muscle would tend to slow you down a bit, can you run Scothunter mate?! I would learn pretty quick
  10. Cheers i actually never saw it until it i heard it fluttering and spinning down.
  11. I recently bought a theoben evo.I would recommend it for killing bunnys hard.
  12. you reckon ,Use what ever your happy, with We kill thousands of rabbits each year and only ever use dog ferrets .A big five pound winter rabbit kicking a bitch around will make them soon get sick. been there and done that . iv had a few rabbits with ferrets i dont know why people want tiny small ferrets big strong bitches will work like lightening and put plenty of rabbits into the bag but day in day out you cant better dogs for staying power and aggression. The old saying applies HOW LONGS A BIT OF STRING, good hunting this coming season what ever you use Aye i do reckon
  13. Sorry but id have to dispatch that if i came across it.Looks to much like a mink to me.
  14. Gay lads ??????? If your talking about my son sorry your vryt wronge He's 38 his girlfriend is a gorgois 21 year old Didnt mean any offence just the way i read it mate
  15. I agree make sure they meet up in a court or similar first.However i dont visage any problems mate.So even the gay lads are into ferreting now?Good on i say lol
  16. cheers rolfe i was hoping you or stubby would answer this one.I know you work with them as a job.Incidentally i been noticing lots of signs on my travels in scotland saying "WASPS DESTROYED FOR £20". Is there more of a problem with them this year?
  17. nah mate i remove it first thing in the morning.Unless of course the still smell it.Little b*****ds if i see them attempting to build a bike ill declare war on em lol
  18. Dunno about blind people,but did you know that we dont dream in colour! Let me explain that before i get slated. We dream in b&w and when we remember the dream or thinking about it when we wake up.The brain then puts colours to the dream.Useless information but there you go.
  19. Can you say if this is a problem.Just noticed a few crawling about in my court.I really dont know enough about them to determine if they are looking to set up home.
  20. jills mate, dont matter if they poleys or ferts.My preference is poleys dont keep anything else.Any hob i have ever worked or saw working hasn't even come close to working a warren like a jill.
  21. Right i will start breeding them we can split the cash lol Im working on a mink/stoat cross at the momment
  22. It was weird as hell mate watched it spinning down like a helicopter blades.
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