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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Dont worry matt we will bag a load soon Up to 4 now!!Looks like you gonna need a bigger boat (oh sorry court).My attempt@film quotes.That might make a good thread actually Jaws?? Mrs Matt Yup nice to see u posting btw
  2. Ok amuse me lol I will start it off. Never, never, interrupt me, okay? Not if there's a fire, not even if you hear the sound of a thud from my home and one week later there's a smell coming from there that can only be a decaying human body and you have to hold a hanky to your face because the stench is so thick that you think you're going to faint. Even then, don't come knocking. Or, if it's election night, and you're excited and you wanna celebrate because some fudgepacker that you date has been elected the first queer president of the United States and he's going to have you down to Camp
  3. Dont worry matt we will bag a load soon Up to 4 now!!Looks like you gonna need a bigger boat (oh sorry court).My attempt@film quotes.That might make a good thread actually
  4. scothunter


    Sorry to hear that kay.I myself have an old lurcher called Bess.She is 12. I dont relish the day she goes
  5. well at least you have done what you can.Heres hoping
  6. Hey thats no so good kid.Hope she makes it for you.Let us know how you get on matey
  7. I use a theoben eliminator .20cal. It was made in 1995 and it still looks and does the business. Knocks the f!!k outta anything it hits. Good choice in the evo. It sure does mate,sometimes a bit to hard lol
  8. Why you getting rid mate?Nice looking rifle btw
  9. Tricky one i going to have the same prob myself in a few weeks when the hobs get access to the jills and court.The last time my old poley hob got close to the other hob latched on to his face.I'm hoping it wil come good.The old poley is a docile lad and he would never bite but wow he certainly went for the kill that time
  10. Hey mate if you can get your hands on some security mesh.Know the stuff on shop windows or schools.Thats the bizz like.Ask at your local scrappies or better still any demo contractors.
  11. Well said Dan .Rather see that than a complete ban.Like already said nothing this shambles of a goverment would suprise me.
  12. they will need to prize my rifle from my cold dead hand!!! Got to give charlton heston the credit for that quote
  13. Some f*****g arsehole,went and shot some kid in the eye with an air rifle.Built up area of glasgow.Only a cpl of year ago a 3yr old was killed in a similar incident.It pisses me right off these Idiots giving our sport a bad name.Not to mention jepordising it aswell.They need beaten to death with a rifle
  14. Interesting thread.I have never attempted to train a fert.I get them to stop biting and thats where it ends.I might buy meself a clicker
  15. If you looking for a replacement i know a lad that has kits ready now.Good working stock and they are nice kits.Well if ur into Albinos + sandys.I myself prefer poleys.
  16. lol it was funny i was being facetious @another comment telling me it wasn't funny mate.
  17. :laugh: :clapper: I hear that they are selling miniature ferret sized lederhosen on FerretCouture.......... Now thats not funny mate
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