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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. I use diablo field domed ones.Just noticed they are making pointed ones now.Says there new.Anyone used them?Any other pointed ones i used have been shit.Just wondered if this brand might be better
  2. How did a 5yr old manage to shoot his little sister with an airgun?Just heard it on the news this cant be good,One in scotland 2weeks ago aswell :no: Other way around sister shot brother
  3. Thanks kay aye he has earned the right to do as he likes suppose lol Maybe he been reading the posts on here and decided to become pet fert
  4. Well i have dry down 24/7 for my ferts they also get fresh rabbit or pigeon every night.Thing is past week the two hobs i keep haven't touched the rabbit.They eat the dry.My jills are still eating rabbit and their dry.Im not really greatly concerned cause they are still healthy and i dont really work hobs one is 8yr old the other is just a vas hob i keep.Was just curious to know if anyone has had the same thing happen to them?
  5. good bag mate and good to see the hunting posts starting long may it continue
  6. Interesting find.Get it cut off and taken home mate.Or tell me ehere it is i will.I have a few Nazi pieces used to collect that stuff.Got a cpl of good pieces still.SS belt and buckle and an ss honour ring.If you not into taxing it ask the owner if he can shed some light on it.Its defo Nazi era though.
  7. right there kay mine has the wee ruby eyes
  8. Dunno mate but would imagine it would be more humane that way.Dont think i should say anything in case he tells me to fuk off lol...Seriously though his land covers a great distance and he has a bunny prob.So there be plenty for me to work.@ollie no worries mate i didnt think you were being wide matey.Good advice and worth thinking about.
  9. Thanks stubby Looks realitevly easy.gonna get me one of them.
  10. Never seen one mate.The farmer said they cost a few quid.It collapses the burrow aswell he said.Gotta see this machine action im intrigued.You seen one working?
  11. Aye i know mate.there is a lot of buries he cant do so thats a job for me and my team
  12. Cheers gilly.Aye suppose i can give it a bash.Im no very technical minded. pure force and brute ignorance is usually my method lolI will check it out mate
  13. Just aquired myself the biggest bit of permission i ever had.It stretches for miles The farmer is real sound guy and a hunter aswell.He says he uses a rodenator?Gsses them and blows up their burrows?Anyway he seems keen on me getting started.He has had guys in the past but they never showed up on a regular basis.Also their is a bit that is bad but the bunnys have settled in a dyke.Gonna have to invest in a long net (which i have never used)So maybe if any lads near me wanna show me the ropes on a long net they be very welcome
  14. Looking well and happy matey Im guessing the disc is a vitamin supplement or similar.
  15. its a fuking mouse you get bad press for hunting animals period..... wiy have a fourm if you dont taik about shit that gets killed live .....terreiers kill rats live right ? so is that illegal n stupit ... a thought you couid kill wit you want ...didny no ther was laws on killing live shit awrite.... n the only fuking idiot on this s you ya prik...its a fourm for taik n al a see is daftys like you been cheeky tae people ... Woah, dont break too many rules! For a start, text talking has long since been forbidden. You swear like a drunken tramp, and directly call a moderator a "dafty",
  16. Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did? I would certainly recommend it mate I know what it would do just really hurt it and cause it to have a horrible wound!! Be careful what you say mate It can be taken the wrong way and also make yourself look bad. I dont mean to sound condescending but you should only ever shoot airgun quarry. I never took the shot and wouldn't have.I dont think you being condece
  17. Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did? I would certainly recommend it mate I know what it would do just really hurt it and cause it to have a horrible wound!! Be careful what you say mate It can be taken the wrong way and also make yourself look bad. I dont mean to sound condescending but you should only ever shoot airgun quarry.
  18. Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did? I would certainly recommend it mate
  19. Ihave a Theoben evo great gun and use air arms diablo sport pellets.Never owned a precharge but the stopping power of a theoben well lets just say i couldnt be more pleased
  20. Im currently looking to buy a gun lamp for my theoben be gratefull if any you lads could give me advice before buying.Whats a good one and what kinda money am i looking at.Cheers lads
  21. You have been misinformed.I have kept poleys for years and the hardest bite i ever had was from a f****n albino fert.I have never kept or worked anything but poleys.my poleys are not scared of anything they are a bit eratic as kits but i reckon thats just the large space i have always given them.There a dream to work.Im not knocking anyone who keeps ferts btw.Each to their own I apologise i read the first post then glanced down the rest.I see were back on the old 100%poley rubbish
  22. Cool hand Luke? Missed the bit where he said."Man gets rabbit in him,decides to run"! FOUND IT * You gonna fit in real good, of course, unless you get rabbit in your blood and you decide to take off for home. You give the bonus system time and a set of leg chains to keep you slowed down just a little bit, for your own good, you'll learn the rules. Now, it's all up to you. Now I can be a good guy, or I can be one real mean son-of-a-bitch. It's all up to you. * When a man's mother dies and, uh, he gets to thinking about her funeral and paying respects. Before he knows it,
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