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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Cheers stubby aye it gotta be a trait with the wee buggers.Can only mean good things when they get working
  2. That made me laugh .'Light blue touch paper and retire' Oh seriously matt that silver is off it rocker.Jumps from heights on top of its sisters and dad.Wont bite u but tries to launch itself from your hand.Even from an early age it was first in with the death bite on the daily rabbit they get.(I hasten to add it was already dead) I have no doubts they we will be cracking workers.
  3. I have Scotland its "mine"! you share that one Scot.... LOL oh ok hey wat happened to the fert?Thats sum set of gnashers on that cat thats what happened when my hob got flirty with the wifes tabby.... LOL
  4. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00312.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00311.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00309.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00307.jpg Loving that hanging basket lol The silver mitt is the only one i ever owned.I find it to be totally highly strung.Not biting but full of energy and always in there first is this a common trait?
  5. Hi mate well diffrent people enter kits at diffrent ages.Some 14 weeks old me personally i wont enter mine till around xmas thats just a preference with me i like them to get all that kit nonsence out them.I actually starting to notice a diffrence in their behaviour just now.But as i said im in no great rush.
  6. I have Scotland its "mine"! you share that one Scot.... LOL oh ok hey wat happened to the fert?Thats sum set of gnashers on that cat
  7. Dunno about that one but i bought one ferrets and dog absouletley terrible.Shouting and smoking around burrows and throwing rabbit guts over the farmers field.Not good
  8. Good on you mate and they look like they are well happy
  9. Your right neem oil the best mackem.Did u used to grow weed lol
  10. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nEfXTSoNLYw Just for you mate and be safe! Youre all heart Scot..... LOL
  11. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nEfXTSoNLYw Just for you mate and be safe!
  12. Very true coney dont make movies like this anymore.Burton is a great actor
  13. Watch where Eagles dare on five Dunno about anyone else but this movie f*****g rocks reminds me of xmas ah nostalgia hahah
  14. one of my dutys everyday never get algae
  15. Well it looks a mess when they leave dog ends all over the floor in there Sue! They keep on about me putting Sky TV in there for them, but they need to learn to behave first. i.e. Not legging it the minute the roof of their court blows off.. lmao
  16. Cant remember who gave us the idea of putting hanging baskets in their court,but glad i did it other day.My poleys are loviing it.keeps em amused for ages.So whover had the original idea thanks btw im sure it was kay who 1st p[osted the idea
  17. Whenever I shoot one out the back, I uchuck it in fresh to the ferrets but usually remove after an hour or so. They've had a b it of a change but I don't leave them in too long as the feathers are a pain to clean out! Cheers, D. Exactly what i do mate.
  18. If the credit slump continues you will be eating them yourself stubby.With a mixi rabbit for main course
  19. 12.50 in glasgow for .22 diablo field.I just get em from wales for a tenner a tin.Even with delivery works out cheaper
  20. Cheers my mate thinks they will carry disease.Never heard so much shit in ma life.
  21. yes or no? Im havin a heated debate with ma mate lol
  22. use hay and an old jumper in each bed.Have dun for years and neva had a problem
  23. Looking great mate well done.Is that cavity insulation hose?
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