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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. first time i have ever heard it described as fun!Hey as long you enjoyed yourself matey
  2. Well decided to take the day off work.Went up to the area they lost them at.They certainly blocked off the holes as i told em.No sign of my trap though Unblocked the holes and made a bit of sqeaking and noise.,Sat and had a smoke and sure enough out popped a rather sheepish jill.Waited around for a bit but no sighn of the other one.Im guessing it may have wandered off last night before they blocked them off.I took it to the lads house and its now back in his hutch.Spoke to the lads mother and by the sound of it they are pretty keen on ferreting.So i told her i would drop off some books and a
  3. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk116/S...66/DSC00184.jpg My Theoben evo
  4. LOL @no nets.Do they catch them with their hands.You couldnt write this stuff mate.I think the kids are the same all over matey
  5. to much xbox and ps3 i would say.I agree there 2 kits out ther somewhere that shouldnt be.
  6. Just had two lads come to my door."You the guy who keeps ferrets"? I was like aye.Well the went into this big speal that they saved up and bought nets and hutch.They got 2 ferrets from someone and went out and they have lost them.Now im starting to feel a bit sorry for them and was even considering giving them a replacement until i heard the tale.I asked them where they lost them about.I know the area they were talking about.Anyway i said did you block of the holes do you want a loan of a live trap.How long have they been lost.I will take thier answer to my grave."OH ABOUT AN HOUR AND A HALF"
  7. I enjoyed reading that.Glad to see you had a good day.Oh and good on you for taking the newbies
  8. If you aint never seen one "LUCKY YOU" its a horrible disease and once seen never forgotten.Google it mate
  9. Well said, but in truth mate they wont.We will still be reading posts on this subject this time next year.Once the season gets in full swing hopefully no one will bother with all the arguing
  10. Good bag there mate Adam is our resident hacker.He once hacked into NASA
  11. cheers will they eat a canny bit of the rabbit i hope they dont eat the eyes, do i cut the skin open to help them sort of peel it....? First thing my hob does is dine on the eyes mate.Just peel open the skin at the belly and take out the guts.Ferts will soon do the rest.
  12. If you gonna use milk use soya or goats.As for eggs just give them the yolk.Just gut the rabbit and throw it in mate.Take it out in the mornin what they dont eat.
  13. 42yds with a Theoben Neck shot (but was aiming for the head)Bunny jumped about 4feet
  14. Looks like you had a good time scuz.Aye I remember doggin school aswell.Was probally for the best. anytime i went i only got in trouble.
  15. I've lost count of the threads you've spoilt. The sooner your warning level gets you booted, the better...... Well said mate.
  16. There will be no stopping you now gilly lol
  17. Good luck mate.Be interesting to see how they turn out!
  18. Bit drastic but get a Rat of someone and let it go in the garage or back garden.She will soon let you have one when you tell her rats wont come near a fert.If you dont want to handle a live rat get a dead one and strategically place it where she will find it. :unsure:
  19. I have to admit i would have removed its head with the shovel
  20. I will do my best to try and keep on top of it.
  21. Was out on one of permissions tonight seen ma 1st mixi I hope this aint the first of many ;(
  22. Id leave the hunting knife at home mate.Currently stabbing each other in the uk seems to be the in thing these days.
  23. I wouldnt give up hope in finding her mate,They turn up when u least expect them.A few live traps set about if its feasible.
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