I dont know what you been reading but NEVER EVER feed them bread and milk.I really dont think you should pick them ferrets up next saturday.As i said not having a go at you but clearly you need to really find out more before taking them on
Yea mate still no sign of the other one but will keep trying for a day or two.Got my live trap back aswell.They hid it in a bush in case it got pinched .They came round and thanked me gave them some books away with them.So hopefully they will understand the basics
Well i have seen only one matt so hopefully it wont spread to far.Dont want you coming down for a days ferreting in the winter with no bunnys
Good to see you do the right thing with them.Knew a guy once who used to bag thier carcasses and take them to the foundry he worked in and incinerated them.Sadly like everywhere else their are no foundrys left
I try to entice the woodies in but they are fly.The sit on the fence at the back.Although i rate myself a good shot im reserved at taking that shot.As a miss would mean a pellet through the folk over the backs window
As for the maggies cheers lads i will await the second wave
you old charmer you, using the kids to get the mother. I've heard some excuses in the past.....
Take em out ferting, you might get invited in for your tea on the way home
Well i am partial to a nice home made meal