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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. I can just see you will fighting with your ferts over a rabbit
  2. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dn1DXyHSWsg
  3. I dont but some lads do jazz.Gave mine rabbits that are still warm neva dun them no harm.
  4. dont botha its a load of old pish
  5. BBC2 looks interesting
  6. Now reading this thread got me thinking.Now i know dematiaceous soil will kill flies however i dont know exactly how ferrets react with it.Im thinking maybe you could put it in some kind of sealed trap.Hmmmm i need to in investigate this and take it to the dragons den lol
  7. Good to hear it mate.They are tough wee buggers
  8. I think they look nice on a bloke I look better in Boss
  9. Id ban them anyway.I had to wear one at a wedding once itchy as hell and felt ridiculous.I will stick with a suit.
  10. Hello. Reality check! It gives us a bad name because HUNTERS find it 'hilarious'. And hunters. like all other groups, consist of individuals with differing life views, intelligence, tolerance of idiots. If there's ever a proposal to license the killing of rabbits and other vermin, you just watch the PCO's bugger off wih an 'I'm all right Jack' attitude. But i agree with one thing.....the problem isn't just 'us and them' it's also 'us and us'. And the reaction to this vid is an excellent example of that. If it all goes tits up, I haven't got into hunting yet. I'll just carry on w
  11. Oh it's not a pet fox Will, I capture them and then fire them out of cannons, I find it funny and I haven't got the nonce to hunt one properly LMFAO That was funnier than the f*****g vid
  12. Oh dont get me wrong its not something i would do. for one i have better things to do with my time.The point i was trying to make to you was members on here who think that was funny are no more or no less hunters cause the found that amusing.That was my point,but maybe you couldn't hear way up there on that high ground mate lol
  13. scothunter


    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OpZ8EkK3eWY Not as funny as this
  14. Whats the weather like up on your moral high ground? We all refer to them as "Tree rats" and in my opinion are no better than rats.However i have seen Rats being dispatched in some cruel bizzare ways and were fine with that.(not all i add) but majority dont give a f**k as long as they are gotten rid.Also as someone pointed out those little tree rats can withstand a bit of punishment.I actually think maiking a connection between this vid and hunters in general is just ridiculous!
  15. i hope that wasnt meaning anything nauty Im guessing you didn't listen in history will lol
  16. That's iodine ain't it mate? Pottassium permanganate turns stuff purple. Brown is the colour that it turns when it oxidises..It starts off purple. Sorry, carry all sorts of trivia around in this thick scull of mine.. Its always handy when you least expect it mate
  17. do you really think that pakis and jews dont take the piss out of white people cos if you do then your wrong they take the piss when they go get there family allowance every week while silly c**ts like me and you pay for them so excuse me if i dont jump to theyre defence There are more lazy thick white chavs living off our taxes than jews or asians. Really??I think you will find that aint as true as you think.
  18. No i wouldnt find that funny either.I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you were trying to get a point across.Bad example though Sometimes it does take a sledge hammer to crack a nut!! You hardly cracked a nut.All was there for anyone to read and make up their own mind.
  19. Maybe admin will read this.I use a catty myself sometimes
  20. Never thought of that,as it does put a solid skin over you.Need to remember that one matt
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