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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. I'm gonna get same dog soon aswell.As for intoducing ferts to dog.All i did was watch her carefully and if she seemed a bit shady or curled a lip.I just gave a firm command "NO". was quite funny at times when the ferts gave a nip and the dog was lookin at me as if to say can i kill it lol..My ferts stopped nippin her and now she dont bother with them at all.Just remeber to watch them like a hawk until your totally confident they are bonded.A bite from a ferret on a dogs ear or whatever is no great deal.However a bite from a dog is a very dead ferret.Good luck and it will all come good.Get them
  2. Im sure you will pick somewhere up mate.In the meantime you could guzzle a cpl of they pheasants lol
  3. I have a cpl one with a springs and the other a solid bar.Just collectors items you understand :secret: May i suggest a 3 cell maglite mate.No hassle and will do the job just the same.
  4. I have made new holes in both my collars, and as stubby said it is suprising how tight you can get them without causing the ferts discomfort.
  5. Yes jazz meat is the best.I only use dry as a substitute not the main diet.If you got fresh meat in abundance then feed it that.
  6. scothunter

    dog collars

    strong stuff makes them mate
  7. If its anything like the silver jill i kept back from my kits "GOOD LUCK" these things need Ritalin.I have heard the same from other members on here so im guesing its a trait.I have high hopes on it being a good worker though.Gonna leave it a bit before entering her to a burrow.See if it settles down a bit first.
  8. Just noticed your comment.Thanks very much.Your a sound lad too.And a fellow ferreter

  9. My snipped hob went in a fortnight ago with my jills and his daughters.All getting along great
  10. Well in my younger days i can remember the deal we made when we went moochin round an estate.Everyman for himself if we were rumbled.I dont keep terriors so i dont know if you lads have an unwritten law.If so then kinda shabby doing that.
  11. Hey mate minted dog collar.Would i need to send you a Stone Island badge or do you have a supply.Im thinking now about my least fav jumper i could tax a badge from lol.....
  12. Have an old poley hob who is used to shift sleepy jills He is housed by himself and is gentle as a kitten.He does not get use of the court but will quite happily play around me when im cleaning out the court and hutches.Put him near any other poley and watch his mood change.Put him down a warren and he will stay down till he has investigated it fully.Shifting any jills who happen to rest up.Blind as a bat and i see he starting to bald a bit.Be a sad day for me he passes away
  13. Aye his best one i think http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BXhnvS_yD4Q
  14. Main one they aint cats.Fresh rabbit,chicken and dry as a supplement if you wish.Its handy sometimes when you are stuck for meat.
  15. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qIOvJQXF1xY
  16. carry an opinel at all times.Use it for work and hunting its hardly as samarui sword
  17. a waste of 4 mins of my life Im sure you have wasted more than that over the years [bANNED TEXT] whats 4mins lol
  18. Total freak but funny as hell http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6omQ5JjjLsE "DO YOU HAVE A FLAG" LOL
  19. boys with their toys! Seriously though i enjoy shooting aswell ferreting Has to do with skill and knowing your quarry and lay out of the land.Beats stamp collecting
  20. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hYytaZ06Hco How can you say he aint funny
  21. That be to easy mate.Never seen the new one but i reckon it will be a hinderance by the what i heard.
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