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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. does it work with 02 doint see it there
  2. A priest and a Rabbi are walking down the street. On the opposite side of the road they see a 12yrold lad The priest says lets go over there and f**k him. The Rabbi says "Out of what"?
  3. Tell your friend he is an idiot.I will say this though.I would treble check your court and hutches.I say this cz if they escape and get to those Rabbits,then relationships with your neighbours will be tested to the max lol
  4. Thanks mate and appreciate it.Top bloke

  5. cracking mate.My own dads gravestone has two racing greyhounds on it.
  6. Ok folks i have a lurcher bitch she is 12 now.Well a few year ago she had a small lump on her belly at side.Now she aint the type of dog that is good around strangers so going to the vet is a nitemare.Anyway the last time she was near a vet he looked at the lump and said keep an eye on it but he thought it was just a fatty deposit.Well since then she got another small one.Now i noticed another.She is totally fine eating ok and just the usual.However im a bit concerned as she is getting older.She was a great servant to me and couldnt ask for a better dog.And maybe its just me getting a bit paro
  7. Try ebay they have nylon and hemp ones usually matey. Im sure someone on here sells em but not sure though
  8. Hope you find what your looking for matey
  9. In the future i can see Undi getting chased down the street by a very irrate dairy farmer lol
  10. Thats just typical of this f*****g rip of country. I heard tesco do a good deal.Having said that what the f**k does Tesco not do :realmad:
  11. I use the plactic ones from ebay.Do the job. Hey as long as both parties are happy with the sale alls good
  12. Ive never needed to do that... ever since being about 5 years old i was taught that if a ferret locked on just to put pressure on the skull with your finger(not too hard) and they usually let go. Dont have many taps on my permission.I still have the scar from an albino ferret from years ago.Hardest bite i have ever recieved from a fert.If i be honest i could have crushed its skull.
  13. Good luck matey i know how you feel.Worked away from home for about year pure waash! Spent more than i earned. Everytime im on the phone to a call centre from now on, and hear a scouser i will be wondering lol
  14. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TcrO4U8t2gE
  15. Would be a dream to work those warrens well done lads
  16. I will still go with them being motherly.If they were gonna kill em they would already be dead.I would leave them for a cpl days see if they get a bit of backbone.If your concerned and you feel the need remove them mate.You say they slept in the court,do you have a sleeping box in their?If you dont and they continue to sleep out there i would get something sorted out.Its getting pretty cold at nights now.Hope this helps.
  17. Well i put my kits in with their mother and she did try and drag them about,but soon stopped as the kits got older.I would try putting all the kits in together mate.She wont harm them and as for the kits hissing thats nothingh to worry about.Just give a few days and all should be settled down
  18. Or it could end up a big piss up and a trip to the cop shop lol
  19. Its just the jills mothering insticts mate.The kits will soon toughen up.How old are the kits?
  20. Great pix mate cpl i would have framed
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