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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Dont tell em mate.Lukey will have gins down them holes before you know it lol
  2. I agree but i did piss myself laffn when i 1st saw it.However the parents ought to be sterlised
  3. She looks very comfortable around the ferts.I see another female hunter in the making. Was hoping to get out myself today.However it aint stopped raining all day ;(
  4. (To the tune of the Grenadier guards) "Present arms, "FIRE"!!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cDKn3nl9FeY
  5. IMO i dont really botha to much about the sire.As long as the jill is a good worker.It works for me.
  6. She wont venture of the doorstep lol
  7. Good to hear the reformation is still strong in your heart Mal haha
  8. f**k sake thate actuall given me the boak
  9. Aye they are smart.not as smart as your banner though lol
  10. Totally mate,its actually ridiculous cause at the end of the day they are f*****g mini expolsives.Also the cheap imports are getting louder i reckon.The shop i was talking about was lidl he was sayin your getting mortars 4 f**k off rockets 2 boxes of some other shit for fifteen quid. Seems to me its getting easier for kids to get hold of them and afford them
  11. Why is it at this time of the year its acceptable for kids to be throwing expolosives in the streets.Im talking about fireworks.My dog is shit scared of them paces upstairs and downstairs all night.Wont go out for a walk.Every year its the same story they going to clamp down and restrict them or ban them.My mate was telling me they are selling a small arsenal for £15.Im not some killjoy btw i actually used to go to the display in my town.Its im f*****g sick of these clowns launching rockets and mini mortars in the street.f**k if we were to discharge a gun the cops are around you like flies.O
  12. Got caught with it last week mate.Called it back from my mobile and it ran out of credit.So i called again from my work.I kinda thought it was a bit suspect as i wasn't expecting a very large parcel as the description said. I should have said i got my message via text message.Cant remember the num now as i deleted it
  13. Get them of a building site.Ask any labourer you see.They will get you one
  14. Well done lads hoping to et out myself this wknd.
  15. No sympathy for the silly c**ts.After day one i would have cracked them on the jaw and threw them of the job.They might have at least got refrences from previous work they had done.I work in the building trade and its a f*****g joke who they let on site.
  16. Use hemp nets myself. hang them up after use to dry off nad they last for years
  17. scothunter

    Oh dear

    Was suspended loads of times and expelled out of 2 schools.I was a right wee b*****d now im an :angel:
  18. Seen a link to them on here mate.Will get myself one to try out.Good to hear a positive comment about them.
  19. Dont think any body would want to after that .If they did they should be able to keep it after that feat lol
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