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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. I had motorola razor that got wet.Never worked again
  2. Guess you win smallest fert competition.Its a wee belter mate.
  3. Yea it would be,but i thhought u kept the skin on big birds like that.Dont want it to dry out.
  4. Maybe it was fighting with something?Another hare perhaps.I dunno just throwing that in there
  5. Cheers lads.Well to lotae to hang it any longer,i have plucked and cleaned it.Its now in deep freeze. Fine looking birds they are.Never tasted one but certainly gonna look forward to xmas dinner
  6. nice box mate but does that nylon rope cut into you ? not really mate my cousin always carry's it LOL
  7. I wouldn't hang it too long, it doesn't need it. If it's cold outside, hang it in the shed till tomorrow, should be fine. I prefer goose to turkey at xmas, much , much moister (is that a word LOL). Freeze the giblets in a seperate bag, saves time later. I've still to shoot a goose this year, not the traditional way, but when they go on the farm to graze, just drive up and nail one with the rifle. Benefits of farming on the banks of the Tay i suppose. Will do one proper sometime with the the shottie in flight.. Good eating... Matt Thanks matt i will go hang it in shed now
  8. Cheers matt.Well the thing is it is lying on my kitchen worktop,not long got it.Was going to pluck and clean it tomorrow.Will that be ok or will i do it now?Its for xmas so going to freeze it.
  9. Ok folks just aquired myself a Greylag courtesey of wildfowler Anyway it was shot this morning.Do i hang it and any tips on the best way to cook it would be appreciated. Never had goose and was always going to try it,so i dont want to waste it.
  10. Top bloke mate and well appreciated Likewise its good to meet a decent forum member. Once again thanks mate.
  11. Mines is concrete aswell,but i cover my court floor in hay.
  12. Good catch mate,and an even better set up
  13. I had two Jehova witnesses come to my house.Within 10mins of them listening to me on "my" views.They couldn't get away fast enough,I honestly believe they think im the anti christ never had another one at my door.lol
  14. a subject that could last for days.But as someone said its been done and done and done Nowadays i would say its down to your own preference.I like poleys as they are good workers and they look the part.Its solely poleys i keep ,but i dont think they any better than albinos and such.Well maybe a wee bit lol
  15. Was just about to say that mate.Are you getting the ferts on the float lol
  16. Thats to bad mate.All the years i have kept poleys i still cant handle finding the old timers dead.
  17. Never lost any,but id be shattered if i lost any of my jills
  18. If you can get a hold of some live trap cages.Also dont give up hope matey.They can turn up when you have given hope of ever getting them back.Good luck mate
  19. Each to thier own i say.As long as the Rabbit is killed quickly.Dont use a chib myself
  20. Good luck mate and remember to make sure that collar is tight when you send him down a burrow.
  21. He sure is tom.A top bloke
  22. for a treat or if i have forgotten to take out a rabbit.I will buy a cheap chicken from tesco and they gorge themselfs on it.
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