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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. A teacher in a Glasgow school asks the class who supports Celtic? All the class puts their hand up,except wee billy. Teacher asks who he supports,and billy says Rangers! Teacher asks why?&billy says. "my parents both support them so i do too"! Teacher says you dont have to copy of your parents_ what would you do if your mum was a prostitute and your dad was a junkie? Billy says "I'd support celtic like the rest of you manky b*****ds!
  2. Upon yonder hill,there stood a coo It mustive shifted,cz its no there noo!
  3. Bet you will harvest a good few bunnies from there matt
  4. Hope they build houses on your moorland lol just kidding mate
  5. Im glad someone else said that.My mates used to think i was taking the piss
  6. Decided to nip out for a cpl hours this afternoon with the poleys.Lost two in the first burrow due to heavy cover .Managed to get two from another burrow on the way back.I reckon by next wknd the cover should be all bit gone.Then i can get this years kits out and get them working.Never took pix as left phone in the car.
  7. My lurcher bitch was shaking last night.She was lying on the bathroom floor most of the night.I used to use a pill called ACP (sure it was that?)when i kept greyhounds a quarter of the pill and the were only small,slowed it down in its trials.A half would sedate it totally.I wouldnt giuve them to an older dog though.Aye fireworks should be banned other than displays.I was actually going to go out last night and smack the wee b*****ds o the jaw.I might very well do it tonight if i get a repeat performance :realmad:
  8. Looks like you enjoyed yourself
  9. Glad you got it back matey
  10. Used an opinel for a good number of years.Great knifes and as said can get them extremely sharp.The blade does discolour but who cares its not a fashion parade im on.
  11. Ask stubby mate,he might know who you could ask.(try and get him when he in a good mood tho lol)
  12. Think your friend has a vid on youtube.Chubby cuppy cake boy
  13. 55gallon fishtank full of various fish. 7poleys and a lurcher bitch
  14. The frost is finally here Lets hope it aint long in killing off the cover. Its frustrating not being able to get them. Oh and snow in london too Its gonna be a cold winter i suspect
  15. It is possible to ferret without a locator,but if your new to the game matey and scared you lose our poleys then i would get your locator fixed [bANNED TEXT]
  16. ur right some people are know it alls never done nowt wrong this site is for advice not getting critisised by : :wacko: :wacko: Very true mate.I have yet to see a comment he posts,that isn't in some way being snide.
  17. Like to see the crucifixtion.Even if it was to hear John waynes voice for the whol of 3seconds
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