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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. That old herbert cracks me up everytime mate. "you want a popsicle" haha
  2. watched it yesteday the gordon brown one was better i think http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I4n--IXg6HY just found the preqel even funnier and well put together http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iMi776jah1w
  3. well done will will keep the ferts in fresh meat for a bit
  4. I heard you can get a lobster from lidl's for a fiver.
  5. I heard you can get a lobster from lidl's for a fiver.
  6. I got one from ebay 45 delivered cant remember the shop now i bought it direct from shop.Was in wales i know that.
  7. Hahah i just remembered that bit mackem.Aye gets them cleaned twice a year.He must be due to be a corpse himself he got to be a day older than moses
  8. Im sorry to hear about your dad mate.
  9. Nah mate think i will pass lol
  10. i remember a thread on here from way back where someone had mentioned that ol mr fixit liked corpses lol f**k me he gets even creepier
  11. Due to the credit crunch,they are doing a piece on the revival of offal.I would eat most stuff,but f**k eating a tongue :sick:
  12. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z3V698JzqC0 A very fitting Tribute
  13. well i have only just seen it !!!! lol
  14. Its a wee belter.Would be a pleasure to see that feeding in my garden.
  15. I have photoshop on my laptop have no idea how it works.
  16. thats nasty.Good job the woman of the house found you when she did mate.
  17. Watching that docu he spoke of his mother as a lover :sick:
  18. I don't think he had much of a option the field is covered in rabbit holes............. Oh right mate
  19. He does mate passed it a few times.Sits right on the corner at a bridge.He has a generator for power.Agre with mackem he does make your skin crawl.
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