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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CkM2Se3tqaU
  2. Have you actually tried deep fried mars bar mate? I have never even seen one
  3. thank f**k for your reply scottishlass i could hardly believe what i was reading fellow scots saying to buy haggis from a supermarket dump me in alaska come on needs to be bought from a butcher proper haggis Hey you get some good brand haggis is in tesco mate.Im not talking about the sliced stuff.Thats always better at the local butchers.Im talking of the ball of haggis.
  4. I have never laughed at anything more immature than that.
  5. A good sujpermarket should do them.I boil mine or you can do it in the oven i think.If you have any probs getting one pm me i will send you one down Thanks Scot i will ask in tesco in the week NP
  6. A good sujpermarket should do them.I boil mine or you can do it in the oven i think.If you have any probs getting one pm me i will send you one down
  7. You should kay,its really nice.Buy a good one though.
  8. Some years ago when I was working up in Elgin, an old guy told me just that! He also said that you catch them by placing a long net around the base of the hill and chase them with sticks till you get them running then you stop and turn round to run at them as they come around the hill at you, they then try and turn around to run away but because one leg is shorter than the other they roll down into the net...hey presto! LMAO did you believe him
  9. Cheers mate, i'm sat with a bottle of wine and a packet of Pork Scratchings here...... lol
  10. scothunter

    Best 3 films

    spr...good choice there..made a mate sick watching that on soround sound after a night on the pop.opening scene..vomit city.. Went with a mate to see it the cinema.Never heard an audience so quiet in an opening scene ever
  11. heard they have one set of legs shorter than the others,so they can stand on the side of mountains!
  12. Just remember this when your over indulging this xmas http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LUt1xXASm_s
  13. scothunter

    Best 3 films

    Saving private ryan usual suspects cross of iron For a laugh bad santa with billy bob thornton
  14. Did you see harrison ford there?
  15. Just a thought,but have either of you got or had the flu recently? I have just came home from work as i think i may be in for a bout of it.I tend to stay away from my poleys as they can catch it.
  16. Obviously that would be the rabiteer that didn't have a team of hungary ferrets to feed, who have gone off chicken wings, dry, liver etc etc etc.. Because mine blackmail me in to ferting or shooting every white tail out there lol just one unhappy look at me from their food bowl is enough to make get the rifle out. I keep everything i shoot, so shoot everything i can manage to process.. My opinion.. Fussy ferrets must be the breeding lol
  17. Lucky you.Wish the f**k mine would aswell.
  18. Looks like he did a grand job using the guy in the vids method.
  19. Thats shite mate.I would tend to agree with others sounds like they have eaten something bad. Well done for taking turns checking on them.I sincerely hope they pull through for you
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