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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. scothunter


    A man staying at the ritz hotel in London,removes a card offering sexual services from a phone box. Back at the hotel he rings the number. A lady with a silky soft voice answers and asks if she can be of assistance? The man says "I'd like a blow job. a ride doggy style,some mild bondage.finishing off with a soapy titty wank."Is that ok? The lady says "Sounds interesting Sir,but you might want to dial 9 for an outside line first"!
  2. As long as their no witnesses you can kill what you want
  3. scothunter

    Big Cats

    You really ought to stop sniffing glue will
  4. theres a few on here be pleased to here that LOL im sure there is
  5. LMFAO :clapper: I would imagine their hands would look like a shark attack trying to get some mangy moggey on a hook
  6. lol so your to blame for the sightings Jokeing aside, Ive sometimes wondered if that could be one of the reasons for sightings.. There could be some secret group of loons about. Remember the crop circle gangs?? Exxactly mate same as these head cases that see ufo's and are abducted by aliens.I live 2miles from the hot spot of supposed alien sightings.Never seen f**k all ever!We got a councillor here(actually still has his job)Publicly stated that 2 aliens dressed as humans came to his office one day.Labour councillor he was btw. Even if a flying saucer did land here the lads roun
  7. Im sick of asking so i dont anymore.Butchers around are cock suckers!
  8. I have never heard of this before.f**k sake some people trully dont have any morals! I know we in the Uk treat our dogs better than family members,but thats just plain wrong imo. I dont agree with the chinks eating them,but i respect their lifestyle but sticking hooks in a dog that should be stopped imeadiaetly
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu7zcre8sA0 Has anyone actually heard of this before
  10. lol so your to blame for the sightings
  11. As i said previously before coaetsy the know it all butted in.I dont have a knob on my mk3 must be an earlier model.I just go by the light bar on the front i will do as stubby has done and fire tape over the speaker i thought i could have lived with it but its totally annoying
  12. scothunter

    Big Cats

    In this day and age with the gadgets they have i would imagine it would have been proven by now.Never seen one and never met anyone who has.
  13. Got fish also pondering with the idea of a parrot,but i got told they are dirty b*****ds and that would clash with my OCD
  14. Poleys for me they work just fine and if handled properly wont bite.I have said this before but the worst bite i ever recieved was from an albino.Put me right off them.Also a poley looks the part ;)IMO
  15. I will try that stubby.Will need to keep my lurcher shut in or the birds will get nowt lol
  16. thasnk mate..not sure what a strdant tube is tho DOH: It those plastic tubes that that you get tablets for cleaning false teeth in! Thats the thing lol you could also get pottasium permagnate and make up a solution.Dip dogs tail in a few times a day.It will protect it and help in its recovery.Will turn the tip of the tail brown,but who cares.Will dissapear in time.
  17. Im the same must be old age worrying about birds getting enought to eat lol I will do that jb will check supermarket tomorrow
  18. Attach a sterdent tube or something similar.It wont win you any fashion parade but will protect the tail till it has time to heal.I had a greyhound a few years back who had same problem.Unfortuetly it ate the bandage and neither myself or the vet nboticed this till it was to late.;(
  19. Well i have been feeding the birds in my garden,but my recent purchase of wild bird seed has rocketed in price. Any ideas of other stuff they eat?Dont wanna give them the stuff that be bad for em.
  20. SHOT?So they weren't even caught with a ferret lol Looks good mate just what you need for a winters day
  21. I would be devasted if some rat b*****d taxed my poleys. Hope you get them back matey
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