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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Hmmm i could use that on my alsation when i go coursing muslims
  2. I remember a story when new labour came to power they had those republicans over at number 10. well some fanny thought that we should change the potrait on the wall.I cant remember ezactly who it was but it kinda represented colonialisim.Anyway they changed the potrait to oliver cromwell lol f*****g classic!
  3. Yea well matt always wanted that rifle and as you said been working hard lately so onna treat myself
  4. Thinking of updating my rifle to the s type I have an Evo gas ram night eye sights ,vortex silencer the whole set cost me £550 open to offers still under warranty and it is a really good rifle
  5. farmer on one of my permissions has one.Not very sporting in my opinion all he is missing is the SS skull cap IMO
  7. Id sit them in a chair and tip a hot chip pan over their f*****g heads
  8. scothunter


    you just broke the 1st major rule
  9. to the cop somebody stole your hair lol
  10. you should have blown a big hole in their sign with a shotgun
  11. I speak English and really have no wish to speak to anyone who cant. Apart from the dutch think they are really nice ppl and have met some nice dutch foks. Never met anyone from france that didnt give me the urge to punch them in the face!
  12. put ur tounge on it hey presto... free batt tester thats wat i do lol
  13. I just asked him for you.Its something to do with it heating up to much it then warps a circuit board and that leads to the solders cracking and basically f*****g the board.He got that from some gamer geek lol
  14. My mates done the same think ikts called ring of death or sumthing thats why i always buy the playstation
  15. sorry for your loss matey
  16. I would have to say its older than you think mate. bad teeth is a good sign of old age
  17. air arms diablo are the best in my opinion.Recently purchased a tin of field target trophy a german pellet recommended by the shop owner semms to be a good pellet aswell.
  18. My pet hate ppl who cant control dogs.Im literally hated by the dog walking community give them sheer abuse and have booted there dogs a few times.Nothing worse than having some unruly pot licker come charging towards you and your dog.Followed by the stupid f*****g owner roaring at their dog who is blatantly paying no attention. I seriously do not see the enjoyement of owning such a beast.
  19. I get benson and jefferson to carry all my gear lol
  20. I laughed aswell but not as hard when he said "Id be bitterly dissapointed" lol Joking aside tho there is nothing nasty or vindictive in his words.guess that was how our elders behaved back then
  21. Your post took me back to when i was 15 yrs old Similar situation a guy gave me a poley jill which was pregnant. Gave him back the jill and i kept kits.I honestly cant remember how many it had now kept 3 jills and the bloodline is still there today. My advice would be weigh up the pros and cons and if you honestly can say to yourself you wont have prob getting kits a new home then go for it we all have to start somewhere but bare in mind my last lot of kits totalled 14 from one very small jill Good luck in whatever you decide matey
  22. I am sorry I dont know what you mean Its an attempt to say michael jackson will be regretting trying to be white! personally couldnt care how many black presidents and golfers I thank the lord everyday for being born white
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