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Everything posted by scothunter
He did do some very good things for his people at a time, thing was the guy was f*cking insane and undone all the good he done by eventually having his country invaded and a large number of his people slaughtered for his dodgy foreign policies. similar to our dodgy policies,but yea hitler made some bad moves and in the latter years he wasnt right in the head. parkinsons had ravaged his mind and was just a wreck at the end. I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations.(winston
I can't even begin to express how wrong you are with that response. You're trying to play some get out of jail card by trying to make out I'm some sort of racist and that I think I'm better than anyone else of different colour! I've never once said anything of the sort! Can you point out where I've said all Asians are criminals, or that I'm superior to others? I've highlighted the fact that there is big problems within the Muslim community concerning crime that is effecting White British families, for you to deny that, you'd pretty much prove to any of us on here that you are not capab
I suppose that the word 'people' is too long and complicated for you to write? Am I right in thinking that it was you who recently posted about what a great guy Hitler was? dont remember posting hitler was great. but seeing as you brought it up .yea he had a few good ideas he introduced annual working leave for workers(even built up butlin style areas for holidays) brought in rights for animals mass employment medical science was taken years ahead of its time autobahn family values restored pride in a nation more importantly opened the worlds eyes of the danger of greed
Not at all, I'm not trying to get the topic deleted. Just think it's time, both on here and in real life for those who've had enough to stand up and be counted. Ethnic cleansing isn't all that bad you know, just like a little housekeeping really .......... does good once every 30 or 40yrs to get rid of the bad blood.jesus there doing genocide everyday in africa half the country is living of aid and the other half has aids. even in serbia they were made out to be the bad guys by the west as not to upset the muslim nations. didnt count on Arkan though lol
What does 'ppl' mean? So you think that every asian is a potential terrorist, and should be deported? Presumably, you feel the same about the Irish? why thank you for correcting my grammar.if that was your attempt at being a smart arse it didnt work. ppl is an abbreviation of people.its hardly text talk. as for your question.yes i would deport them if they didnt want to accept british values. as for the irish why would i want to deport them? my refrence was to adams and mcguiness sharing a platform in main stream politics.
for all the liberal thinking members on here,we get it you dont like the bnp or partys with simular views. however to slate other members who do share these views and make them out to be bad ppl is kinda of a facist way of thinking.makes you look rather stupid actually.i suggest you continue living in your ideal world with all your immigrant neighbours living in a rainbow coloured eutopia.On the other hand i will continue treating them and looking on them as a threat to me and my way of life.Potential terrorists everyone of them.Oh and for the ppl whinining about decent politicians (hahah) sh
was no suprise that the jew controlled bbc would not show a version of question time in its usual format. no they turned it into a racist circus.imo he didnt take the flak very well but under the circumstances i suppose he done his best.as for the two token blacks , well they were only there to make it even more of a circus.I would like to have seen nick defend the holohoax issue more than he did though.He is 100% right on that.The figures dont add up and they have been changed more times than i care to remember.as for the rabble of unwashed scum protesting well there the same lot who helped
followers of the islam
if that can be fatal to ferrets why do you never hear about rating ferrets catching it i didnt think ferrets can catch anything from rats they are a food source for wild polecats . oh they most certainly can catch diseases from rats,most ferts that have had a nasty bite from a rat will die. they are a disease ridden scourge.in this day and age there no need to be feeding this vermin to our ferts. to the OP wasnt a plummer book by any chance...
not this old chestnut again!
ask someone who has ferts to listen to the noise mate.they do make funny noises dependiong on their mood. is it constantly making this noise.
i wouldnt let him put hours you havent worked through your wages, it will effect you final salery when you get your p60 next April & if you claim working tax credit then the final figure for the year will be higher than you actually earned cheers kay i kinda thought it could be bit complicated. To be honest if the extra hours he is anticipating on working amounts to just a few a month then it wont make that much difference to his own tax & NI contributions The issue he has is he wont get paid for the extra hours he works over his contracted hours, but he will get paid
i wouldnt let him put hours you havent worked through your wages, it will effect you final salery when you get your p60 next April & if you claim working tax credit then the final figure for the year will be higher than you actually earned cheers kay i kinda thought it could be bit complicated.
used to have an old hob that would that move my jills on.sadly he died at start of summer.
ok heres the deal.guy at work cz he is staff and there an overtime issue.he wants to put some overtime thru my wages.he said just take the tax and ni off,but how do i make sure i take off right amount.its not a reg thing it would be just now and then.maybe there is a easy way to know but im a bit thick when it comes to that shit lol
it aint the lurcher mate its one of the poleys.in hindsight they were gorging on a rabbit in the run it prob came off that.
simple answer is yes.I do it,in fact i bought a locator last year but got rid as it was doing ma nut in lol all the advice i can give you is give your ferts a small feed just to take the hunger of them.Be very quiet near the burrows avoid thumping around.And dont do a warren that is heavy in gorse or overgrown as one of your critters might make his escape.just be alert more than usual.good luck happy hunting oh if you get a lie up and you not sure about the dig.just block off all the holes and sure as christ when you go back and open it up you will be greasted by a familar wee face.onl
wheres the cheapest place to buy it lads? needing it think i saw a flea earlier on.is it a standard price or will vets charge over the odds
dunno about that mate.but if hitler was alive today he would get my vote
Is there any law agaist ferreting on a public footpath?
scothunter replied to carl sarg's topic in Ferrets & Ferreting
This land is basicly sand dunes right next to the sea ,so it will probly be the council that owns it then? Sand dunes .Could even be a Nature Reserve or some sort of protected habitat . Basically to hunt on any land you have to be "An Authorised Person" . It's no good saying something like "No one seems to know who owns it or care what happens there . Without permission you are in the wrong legally . Try to find out who controls them . Even if they won't let you ferret they might know someone who will . Getting known as a polite honest chap will win you more points in the -
the best thing to stop them bitting is a 1.77 airarms pelet in the head your an idiot
for all the guys who cant post a response without the sacrci comments.The post wasnt asking for advice on keeping poleys or their welfare.He asked if someone knew where he could aquire one.Im sure he knows the pitfalls on taking this on,but it aint like he is asking you lot to put your hand in your pocket.
Is there any law agaist ferreting on a public footpath?
scothunter replied to carl sarg's topic in Ferrets & Ferreting
This land is basicly sand dunes right next to the sea ,so it will probly be the council that owns it then? Sand dunes .Could even be a Nature Reserve or some sort of protected habitat . Basically to hunt on any land you have to be "An Authorised Person" . It's no good saying something like "No one seems to know who owns it or care what happens there . Without permission you are in the wrong legally . Try to find out who controls them . Even if they won't let you ferret they might know someone who will . Getting known as a polite honest chap will win you more points in the -
well there in there glory there mate.Cracking looking poleys [bANNED TEXT]
Is there any law agaist ferreting on a public footpath?
scothunter replied to carl sarg's topic in Ferrets & Ferreting
This land is basicly sand dunes right next to the sea ,so it will probly be the council that owns it then? dunno mate might not belong to anyone.Im sure tidal land is open for anyone.Near me we can shoot on the fore shore and you dont need permission.as for ferreting in sand be very CAREFULL of cave ins matey.