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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. WHAT BIRDS DO YOU WANT TO KEEP? always fancied keeping british birds mate.
  2. Thanks for the post what do you mean east london biker is you? erm its stubbys youtube account
  3. Any lads from scotland keep them? i have never kept them so im a complete novice.but any tips or pics would be great of the set up i would need.
  4. glad to hear it matey,aye didnt doubt they would come good for you.aye stop killing the yung bunnies or you will have nowt for next season haha ATB
  5. Ive always been aware of my jills quircky and weird behaviour when jills come in season but i have one just now a really dark poley who thinks she is pregnant lol she has built a nest and will fuss around my other jills preening them and only occasionaly will nip the jill iof they venture in her nest,but wow she certainly giving my vas hob a tight time.darts out the nest and nips his face lol really amusing to watch.im suprised he is taking it so well tbh.their weird wee buggers ferts at times!
  6. you would be better and safer killing the bstrds on sight!
  7. dunno mate mines just do it whenever they see me approach the run or if there just messing about.suppose you try using a toy mouse on a string but to tbh matey ive never really tried teaching my poleys tricks,but good luck in your pursuit.
  8. wait a few weeks mate and you will see loads for sale in various add papers.gumtree aswell ive seen them there
  9. they should sit this scumbag in a chair and tip a hot chip pan over his f*****g head
  10. i dont see why not but from a personal point of view i wouldnt be able to get the thought out my head it might have been a mangy scabby fox lol
  11. if she is with a hob i suspect she prob is.as for the vulva being swollen thats her in season so depending on the size of vulva you might have still a chance to remove her if you dont want kits.im hoping the latter as i think you maybe should learn more before taking on kits.btw mate i dont mean that as putting you down just a bit friendly advice
  12. poor quality worse business practise.im sure you can you can sort it out to your needs,however i really dont think you should have to.id certainly let the guy know.
  13. hahahahah now id love to see that vid.f**k id even pay a score for a copy
  14. guy is a cock but do you really want the f*****g tories back in?i grew up with those c**ts running the country and all i remember was a bleak outlook.
  15. im sure someone could put that to good use mate
  16. well yea they can live alone contrary to popular belief they dont.in the wild a hob poley will only come in contact with another poley for breeding.other than that he lives a mainly solitary life
  17. used to be a few clubs around here that wouldnt let you in if you wore stone island.it was a football casual thing in case you wonfered why.
  18. yes you can use ferrets for rats.but very brave ones.as for rat purse nets.your a brave man lol this time of the year those does are ferociously protective
  19. mines get rabbit chicken pheasants and there is always dry chudleys available if they want it.its not always feasible for lads to get meat.for the lads that slate ppl for feeding dry.all i can say is would u rather they fed them dog food or milky bread slops.f**k sake guys cut the lad some slack.
  20. cat food is full of ash mate as for eggs well only give them the yoke the white is not really good for them.
  21. its basically like a terrace for spectators to watch footy games.
  22. dont worry with global warming increasing temperatures these types will be running through the heather of your beautiful glens in a few years:feck: aye but the diffrence there is we wont sit on our f*****g arses and allow an infestation of them taking over the place.
  23. scottish woman are munters you say,well thats saying a lot have you seen the f*****g pure dogs they troll out on the jeremy kyle show.hasten to add the vast majority aint from up here.hardly a f*****g tooth in there rancid heads
  24. jills for me,keep a hob for stubborn jills though
  25. had one got shot of it,noisy f*****g things,if i have to dig which is very very rarely keeps me fit.
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