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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. well my 1st piece of advice would be to stop handling them mate,and i would leave her alone with her kits and not open nest box for a week or so.as for feeding them well make sure your jill has plenty fresh meat and water.give her an egg yolk now and again just the yoke not the white.i give miune lactose free milk or soya.The kits will soon be eating raw meat even before their eyes open.Im sure your gonna get a few saying you should have found out how to rear kits before doing so,but whats done is done.Oh and they will eat you out of house and home its suprising the amount of meat the wee bugg
  2. I was wondering how many lads and lassies would be swayed to voting conservative on the very slight chance the ban will be lifted.Or do you gen believe in their policies?me personally i think its just a vote swayer and will never amount to anything.for the 1st time i honestly cant decide,as they are all useless and the current expenses scandal just sickens me.
  3. done the same idea myself mate.have pipes connected to their hutches in the shed so they can come and go into the run as they please.more space the better i say.very good job mate.
  4. wasnt knocking anyone who uses them mate as i stated.just not for me mate,but yea for the lads who use them reg im sure they do think its a great kit.all i was saying was with patience and a bit common sense there not a must have piece of kit
  5. not many would be getting drunk in that camp!! unless they were guards!! i know lol
  6. taught me his days in auschwitz.he died there. he got very drunk and fell out the machinegun tower
  7. nothing to worry about matey mines do it all the time during the breeding season.one jill even tries to drag my hand into her nest lol there hormones are all over the place and they are at their weirdest this time of the year
  8. irish stew is amazing if made properly.not that shit you get in a can though.nothing better after a hard winters day
  9. If you can't trust random people on the internet don't ask random people on the internet. You could always meet people with your parents until you know and trust them. I too asked longdog13 when i started and he is one of the most genuine people you could meet and i've made a good friend, simply by asking and turning up when he wanted me to. If you ask and people offer their help its good to take it. Not having a go its just a bit of friendly advice Also, you clearly care for your ferrets so buying a locator for them is a good idea, its always nice to know where they are. Imagine waiting
  10. lol aye mate they threw a fert into a hedgerow and got two bunnies.tbh i think they were already dead and stashed behind the hedge.pointless lol
  11. do they bite?? imagine that! after a few weeks of handling they wont bite you.and at that age its not really sore.i honestly wouldnt keep an adult fert/poley if it savagely bit.
  12. cant say i noticed mate
  13. well they were for the whole 1minute lol
  14. quiet right im glad you listened to your parents and dont go with strange men.
  15. they just take the fights away from the stadium these days.
  16. mines were eating raw bunnies before the crawled out nest.if you cant get any bunnies at this time of year,go to asda they sell turkey legs for about 1.50 good feeding for your ferts and the love it.
  17. it never really ended mate,just the press dont publicise it like they used to do.
  18. that pic was taken last week thats daddy with the dogs he's a silver polecat x and is off workin stock
  19. good luck with them mate.one thing i would say is id prob keep the dogs and yourself away from them for a a bit.however having said that you will know your jill better than me.but ive known them to kill their litter if they feel threatened or crowded.
  20. Thanks darcy thats just the kind of info im trying to get feedback on.yea i would only keep captive bred birds and as i said just want to start of in a small way till i learn more.so id be keeping the easier birds and nothing that takes special care to start with.ive always loved watching the diffrent finches that used to visit my garden and always had the idea of keeping some one day.well thanks again for the reply and its well noted. scott
  21. I also have read that never tried it though.used to like reading the old methods in old books.some were just plain ludicrous but enjoyable read.
  22. Are they rules on that too Mal.This country will grinde to a halt on red tape one day. lol yea i know what you mean.im pretty sure mal is spot on though.british finches are heavily protected.tbh i agree for once you just dont see the birds in your garden like you did years ago.dont know how much thats due to cats or idiots with airguns.
  23. cheers mate im a few months away from actually attempting it.gonna get new shed for poleys and add a aviary onto it.i want to find out all i can 1st see whats involved.yea when i was a kid i had a cpl of uncles who kept em they used to trap birds.it was prob illegal back then certainly now though.but yea i woulod defo do it properly and legal
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