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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Using the blacks and hispanic ppl to bloster your claims dont wash mate.yes the blacks are running around shooting folk usually there own,but collumbine was two white kids and that crazy bitch that started the trend in shooting up your schools was white aswell.i personally couldnt care less how many blacks shoot each other.however when you send your kids to school the last thing on british ppls mind is a mass shooting in our schools.It happened once here in scotland and whether it was fair or not the goverment at the time banned handguns.there were prob a few guys who felt that was unjust,but
  2. you will get a special parcel next week aswell,him and his whole family.least you get your plumbing done tho
  3. ATB gary you will wake up morra to lots of aditions lol
  4. only trouble shes got them hiden in the nest box under the beding just leave them mate if she has them well hidden in nest.better being safe than sorry.they wont be long till there crawling out the nest box
  5. chickens love nothing more than a good scratch about on a s**theap and the ferrets dont mind them as food not to mention rats Y.I.S Leeview wouldnt feed my ferts rats either.its more of a personal preferance thats why i said loads do with no problems.ive seen those magies feeding on kids nappies puts me off.
  6. Loads do and dont seem to have any probs.I never have personally.Filthy scavengers f**k knows what bucket they have been raking in.
  7. look what you have started malt,there wont be a safe jackdaw for miles now
  8. im sure i so toto in the midst of that must have been class to watch that
  9. I'm impressed - 50 page booklet - a lot of folk on here could probably do with a copy! atb Jai. :clapper: yea fair play to you young man at least you have done your homework.
  10. well be back at the ballot by xmas.bad enough one party taking us for mugs now we got two them.
  11. my advice would be to stick to the hunting shooting sectionsif it upsets you that much,and leave the general section for them that like to get their opinion on a subject
  12. it can be expensive if you include nets and locators,but im sure you will pick up a cpl ferts free or no more than a tenner each.get some one to make you a box there plenty pics of them in here.even if you have to pay a joiner.Im guessing your pretty young.he shouldnt charge you much.get a book on them and read up on it.dont just rush in to it,it is a commitment and they need handled reg.better still find someone who has them and ask if you can go see them and maybe he will take you out.kill two birds with one stone learn about them and possibly a new ferreting buddy there loads of lads up yo
  14. :laugh: I once tried as a kid to keep a pet crow.poaching lad got me it.sure he was taking the piss out me as all it did was peck and bite me to f**k.ended up wringing its neck.
  15. I have PM'd or answerd all of your question in previous posts in this thread - I seem to have upset people who are not even on the thread so I will not post any thing on this topic in open forum. .... Interpol has asked me to stop stirring up the nutters! LOL - sieriuosly..... Thank's SGS Nutters unbelievable
  16. They are greedy and despicable your right,but i do not think that greed would be the issue if this bill was ever introduced to parliment.it would be common sense.it would never happen anyway.the public will you mentioned would (thank f**k) very much stop it dead in its dangerous tracks.
  17. get some rubber gloves on spray some on them and rub the ferts down.Get it from a vet not those pet stores.i paid £8 for a decent sized btl.dont see why not about preg jill just dont go daft with it.sure its got fleas?might be moulting
  18. Some good points there tom and i never actually thought about having an independent scotland away from the SNP (CANT STAND THAT SALMOND).However having said that mate.You do realise that the scots who want their independence are a minority.the vast maj of scots dont want seperation and salmond knows this,but still continues to antaganise our english neighbours with his ridiculous claims and digs.if i myself wouldnt vote for a break in the union but if i was convinced that all would go well without any major collapses.it would be food for thought. However its a dangerous game they play look a
  19. hahah i hadnt seen that one,he wrecked that f*****g supermarket
  20. he can chuck a smoke bomb quite accuratly tho lol
  21. this made me laugh.especially the golfers hahah
  22. lol : i watched a thing on discovery once where they were out in a desert.f*****g hell the weapenery they had was unbelievable.anti aircraft guns and 50calibre mounted on a pick up truck.
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