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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. That's definitly not 'fair chase'.....female farts are chemically proven to be more lethal than sarin gas. fanny means something diffrent over here arron lol and its not ass
  2. That's definitly not 'fair chase'.....female farts are chemically proven to be more lethal than sarin gas. fanny means something diffrent over here arron lol and its not ass
  3. be interesting to see her reply
  4. she will deal with you just as quickly if she reads that lol
  5. scothunter


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdNqUW5wwTE every time theres a bang,the worlds a wanker short lol
  6. there not problem animals they are bred specificaly to be shot by gung ho yanks with to much money.well they say a fool and his money are easily parted.there is nothing in that vid that is conservation.just a few f*****g idiots with guns and no respect for his quarry sounds like pheasant shooting. Sounds like jealousy dont understand jelous of what . Well mate by the sounds of your post you have classed pheasant shooters as "f*****g idiots that have no respect for there quarry which pissed me of a bit as i do a bit of this shooting. no i think he was meaning with all the
  7. we all know you like a bit of man work but surely there are other sites for you lol i thought he was talking about bdsm for a min there
  8. there not problem animals they are bred specificaly to be shot by gung ho yanks with to much money.well they say a fool and his money are easily parted.there is nothing in that vid that is conservation.just a few f*****g idiots with guns and no respect for his quarry sounds like pheasant shooting. Sounds like jealousy dont understand jelous of what . Well mate by the sounds of your post you have classed pheasant shooters as "f*****g idiots that have no respect for there quarry which pissed me of a bit as i do a bit of this shooting. no i think he was meaning with all the
  9. keep them away from failed austrian painters. way over their heads. yea mate prob
  10. there not problem animals they are bred specificaly to be shot by gung ho yanks with to much money.well they say a fool and his money are easily parted.there is nothing in that vid that is conservation.just a few f*****g idiots with guns and no respect for his quarry sounds like pheasant shooting. Sounds like jealousy dont understand jelous of what . think he was meaning your jealous of being a shit shot and stupid prick mate.i mean who wouldnt be jealous of blasting a proud beast in a fenced off field basically
  11. Top class bloke i sent him a stone island badge from an old jumper and he stitched it into the collar for me.minted
  12. there not problem animals they are bred specificaly to be shot by gung ho yanks with to much money.well they say a fool and his money are easily parted.there is nothing in that vid that is conservation.just a few f*****g idiots with guns and no respect for his quarry sounds like pheasant shooting. Sounds like jealousy sounds like a fifer
  13. keep them away from failed austrian painters.
  14. holy shit and some lads think we in the uk should have right to own these?
  15. i agree they made a hash of the shot but them yanks as well as other nationalities also come over here to shoot deer in the highlands or ride out with our packs, shoot game birds spend money in those local communities (you,d be supprised how many brits go over to africa and do the same ive met a few) and spend money in those local communities. like i say i agree with the shot remarks. fair doos mate and i agree with what you just said.however saying that if you behaved like that on a scottish estate i would imagine you woulkd be frowned on and not asked back.i guess my gripe with the v
  16. There was not one American in the video - The PH and videographer were South African and the shooter was Dutch or English. Again why not research it before opening you fat mouth.... It was a problem Lion that was endangering people - It had been driven off on several occasions oh and by the way it could jump that fence easily the fence was to keep animals out of an area not in you idiot! There are so many lions and hyenas in that area that fences are put up as meager precautions to protect areas that humans live in.... It's obvious that most of you UKers hate Americans and will take any oppor
  17. There was not one American in the video - The PH and videographer were South African and the shooter was Dutch or English. Again why not research it before opening you fat mouth.... It was a problem Lion that was endangering people - It had been driven off on several occasions oh and by the way it could jump that fence easily the fence was to keep animals out of an area not in you idiot! There are so many lions and hyenas in that area that fences are put up as meager precautions to protect areas that humans live in.... It's obvious that most of you UKers hate Americans and will take any oppor
  18. now that is an embarresment.what a joke of a nation!
  19. there hunting and there there is this?high fiving and whooping like an indian raiding party for that?? call me what you like im no anti and the only whackos here are ignorant yanks.and this doesnt just go for americans anyone who thinks this is just, is a f*****g idiot. oh and if this is the measure of your hunting abilitys then im glad there is a great big f*****g ocean seperating us from you whackos. I bet you cried when you saw the magnificent king of the beasts get shot...... Did you have a little heart to heart chat with your pet ferret after watching the upsetting video?
  20. not telling anyone how to hunt mate.watched the vid and thought that it was prob the most unskilled un hunting method i have saw.but hey if you think that putting captive bred lion in a penned off field and taking shots at it (badly i might add)then yea i prob am an embarresment to you but i do not apologise for that.every single hunting post on here from respectable hunters are always saying to respect your quarry.i couldnt have seen something less respectfull.
  21. there hunting and there there is this?high fiving and whooping like an indian raiding party for that?? call me what you like im no anti and the only whackos here are ignorant yanks.and this doesnt just go for americans anyone who thinks this is just, is a f*****g idiot. oh and if this is the measure of your hunting abilitys then im glad there is a great big f*****g ocean seperating us from you whackos.
  22. I dont call my aunt or cousins in the usa no much chance of me calling that number
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