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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Not a good idea the law would come down on him and stabbing dogs dont look good.in this day and age he would be made to look the thug.here a tip and it works.a pair of rigger boots mate.and never mind the child could f*****g maul you to death.wouldnt have a dog that weighs the same or more than me.never been a lover of rotties anyway
  2. Water bottles is vey good idea,i dont have to bother as i built my court under two apple trees against the shed.plenty shade on one side of court.or if you got the resources and the time do a stubby and build them a ferret swimming pool
  3. Plausabile mate could be very well be.never really been into the genetic make up myself.My jills are pretty tiny and that suits me,but i have heard of the greyhound types im sure magwitch has them but might be wrong.he has some cracking wee ones i know that.He posted pics of them.oh and have you seen some of those vids on jewtube?those mad yanks have there ferts collecting slippers and begging and rolling over like a f*****g dog or maybe its easier to integrate with the yanks (couldnt resist that lol)
  4. black bombs liqourice allsorts its not sorry
  5. spread up north is killing me
  6. cheers mr and mrs malt,now your doing my f*****g head in
  7. Food doesn't change genetics matey, if you've a genetically small kit, and you over feed it, you'd get a short fat ferret. i think it's a bit of a sweeping statement '1. runt of a litter 2. litter not being fed properly due to lack of knowledge or neglect. 3. controlled feeding programe to limit there size.' ferrets vary as much as people in shape and size mate, but if you fed a midget kid steak and caviar it still aint gonna reach 6ft. Atb LD13 you can have the two biggest ferrets being bred but if you dont feed the jill properly during pregnancy and when feeding the kits the
  8. we werent saying were against it,and how can you say we were without even watching vid?the last sentence you wrote was the whole issue and why we thought it in bad taste..... As long as you hunt responsably and humanely then were is the problem? there was none of that in vid. Well i think Buch has pretty much hit the nail on the head there. Scothunter- I'm strugling to see how you you think that the vid is unhumane and the people are unresponsable? There is a guide telling the shooter when to take the shot, and he actually stops him before he shoots till he gets the best shot. The
  9. well i always use working parents,but i know lads who have had ferts from non workers and they turned out very good.the thing is most ferts will eagerly shoot down a burrow but working the whole warren thats another thing.i believe if worked often enough it can only get better mate.im sure theres others out there who will disagree,but tbh who gives a f**k what they think lol its a ferret there natural nosey feckers.
  10. least they could do is pm and explain the reason mate
  11. So after many day of discussion, i come to conclusion, America good to start war, bu no finish !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oh.....& optical sensor for wood saw LIBERAL - ANIMAL RIGHTS WACKO - ANTI HUNTING - ANTI GUN - PRO NWO - ITALIAN IMMIGRANT! = CLINT BORAT ! oh shut up your getting boring as f**k now.calling people whackos and this coming from a c**t who posts captions about real men have guns with their breakfast.hey and clint is our ham roll we wont allow some ignorant thick yank to disrespect him
  12. yea mate no probs my jills and vas hob live together all year round
  13. Americans invented/drew the line of that white part you mentioned! Hey Clint did you ever here of John Browning or Thomas Jefferson? Just to mention 2 US inventors..... How about the Wright Brothers...... These here > http://www.markslist...hers/index.html Yes Yes others flew before Wright Brothers but not sustained powered flight... Has anything recently been invented across the pond other than lies about America... Here watch this Clint Borat Einstein - http://www.youtube.c...3mzhvMgrLE&NR=1 you dont like us brits very much do you? and as for br
  14. tell them your keeping your cash for an up and coming dog fight and your on to the winner
  15. i like this tune and i play it very well
  16. Americans invented/drew the line of that white part you mentioned! Hey Clint did you ever here of John Browning or Thomas Jefferson? Just to mention 2 US inventors..... How about the Wright Brothers...... These here > http://www.markslist...hers/index.html Yes Yes others flew before Wright Brothers but not sustained powered flight... Has anything recently been invented across the pond other than lies about America... Here watch this Clint Borat Einstein - http://www.youtube.c...3mzhvMgrLE&NR=1 you dont like us brits very much do you? and as for bri
  17. we werent saying were against it,and how can you say we were without even watching vid?the last sentence you wrote was the whole issue and why we thought it in bad taste..... As long as you hunt responsably and humanely then were is the problem? there was none of that in vid. Well i think Buch has pretty much hit the nail on the head there. Scothunter- I'm strugling to see how you you think that the vid is unhumane and the people are unresponsable? There is a guide telling the shooter when to take the shot, and he actually stops him before he shoots till he gets the best shot. The
  18. i have always kept poleys wouldnt keep any other type.just my own preference and prob cause the worst bite i ever recieved was from a albino fert when i was a kid,so you can keep them lol
  19. we werent saying were against it,and how can you say we were without even watching vid?the last sentence you wrote was the whole issue and why we thought it in bad taste..... As long as you hunt responsably and humanely then were is the problem? there was none of that in vid.
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