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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. lol well all come and visit you
  2. its only eccentric when a brit does it clint,this nutter is a yank.
  3. scothunter

    cat hunt

    maybe he should have borrowed your chain gun
  4. Why square plates? they were made of wood and it was for stacking and not sliding about.seen it on a tony robinson show abot nelson here you go just googled it lol The ships carpenter would make plates for the crew and the easiest way to make a plate was to cut a square section piece of wood. Square shaped plates could be stowed away easily and wooden ones would not break irrespective of how violent the ships movement might become. There was no sort of turning machine to make round plates and that would have been seen as an unnecessary expense.
  5. the royal navy in years gone by,used to eat thier meals from square plates. hence the expression "3 square meals a day"
  6. seen a couple of them earlier in month i kill them on sight.had a few last year buzzing about in my court.
  7. he has a website lol god help us if this is the kinda stuff he spouts,this is better than the last quote lol # poochdvd Replying to you is actually f*****g silly of me. I am so tired of twits like you that barely have pubic hairs making comments about issues you do not have a f*****g clue about. These are not kept as cuddly pets these are used for hunting rabbits you fuckwit the polecats featured on this DVD will kill a small dog!!!! Or better still rip the fingers of punks like you!!! Dont be a c**t all you life try and qualify the situation before babbling amateur baby gooooeeee. poochd
  8. do you know for a fact this is what happened? where the ferrets autopsied?? theres plenty of things that could show the same symptoms. and yes i agree they are more susceptible to infection, which is why daily cleaning is necessary, but to me this should happen anyway. like i said, my jills arent dead and i know plenty of others that arent, and never get brought out, nearly all of which do hit, or get close to double figures. edited to say am off to bed now so you can all have time to add your ten pence worth YOU SAID and what do you do when they come back into season after be
  9. Im sorry mate shouldnt have said that,but this topic has been done to death and always ends up ends up with same arguments.everyone at this time of year are posting comments on threads asking about jill jabs,vascectomised hobs. that speaks for itself the maj of ferreters on here take their jills out of season with which ever menthod,but its better than leaving them in season.why chance an infetion.its common practise.
  10. dont think you get honey from bumble bees.but yea your right they are a few dying or dead ones.i have a hive of them i think under my step out the back.
  11. me and my mate are going to pampolna next year to run with the balls does your wifes know?
  12. take them to malt,the bird man of wales.but he looks f**k all like burt lancaster
  13. there amazing fried them wee ones.its like a pigeon breast lightly sliced and fried in butter.better than that pile shite i just got for my dinner.
  14. he nearly took that ferts nose off with when the lid crashed shut lol
  15. pleasure to watch that.wonder if ill see that age?hmmm prob not lol
  16. your right but no need to rub it in mate,then the english lads wonder why they get negative comments.
  17. do you not watch england i think a few coloured people play for them. are you another 1 of these bigots. i turn my colour down when i watch the game
  18. aye those dwarfs are becoming a right pain. happy birthday
  19. hope they do well.find it pretty funny that all the scots shouting about bnp and foregners would want to see the same foreigners win against white people from the uk.have always supported the countrys of this island whatever sport they are involved in.(celtic being the exception to that rule)
  20. oh there is that mate,but there good for a laugh. HERES HIS COMMENT TO SOMEONE WHO DARED QUESTION HIM. "ok let me see a video clip of you handling pole cat kits or adult with no gloves then i will give you some respect untill then could you please shut ur f*****g stupid dumb ass mouth" QUALITY LOL :laugh:
  21. read his comment about a poley will kill a small dog he also says he will have respect for anyone who can handle a poley kit or adult without gloves.funnier than the f*****g vid
  22. Scothunter this bloke is a twat plain and simple he he's ads every where selling ferrets for pretty Money to why would anyone want a kit off this prat if he can't even handle his own silver kits how much must he be putting Into his ferrets fecking nowt ,notice the tossers not on here wonder why cos he's taking the piss out of all of us that's why first time i seen his vid and its woefull.their 8weeks old two weeks before that they were six weeks old lol
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