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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. well its evidently obvious you have lived a shelterd life.maybe where you come from thats the norm,suppose you could always air your greviances to the chief consatble at your next lodge meeting :whistling:Also after you grassed and your family and yourself were attacked or worse.you would be able to justify it by telling yourself that your a model citizen and you were doing your civic duty.hey you reckon other cops grass on each other?double standards there mate.and no need to get personal btw
  2. not with me poacher i wouldnt let an ethnic treat me.EVER.and i have refused on a cpl of occasions,does that make me racist? IMO no it does not.i will choose and tbh i dont trust them.look at the 2 drs who had that terroist attack on glasgow airport.i wonder how long it will be before some fanatical muslim working in a hospital gets the idea to start injecting patients with some deadly contagious disease.now that wpould be a better way than blowing themselfs up or flying planes into a building.
  3. Thank f*ck your not in charge then. Who needs racists making any kind of important decisions, the country is messed up enough as it is. no offense but you think its bad now in this country.well it would get a damn sight force with a muslim or a black pm.we give them enougfh carte blanche without them making decisions on our behalf.if ever that happened we should all get together and shoot each other.the last man can turn off the lights
  4. lo,are you serious mate?no offence but by f**k its funny to hear how the other half live hahah.We wouldnt grass we would do what every other council brought up lad and give the c**t a good kicking.i once witnessed two guys being slashed and stabbed in boozer that was full of people.the cops swarmed on the place and not one person saw a thing you ever get labelled with a grass tag around my way,for health reasons it would be best you moved away from the area.always been that way and always will be.and before anyone thinks what a place to live ill tell you this.Most lads are the salt of th
  5. And I would venture to say that 100% of the Americans on this particular site agree with you... lol yea arron he seemed to lose popularity fairly quickly.think it was just a fad and the fact that bush came across as a bit of an idiot,but saying that i liked bush.
  6. who the hell does he think he is?we all know he dislikes the uk he wrote a shitty book slating us and sent back the bust of winston churchill that was in the whitehouse and now he is slating us on this oil spill.wasnt that a few year ago when the yanks had an oil spill from a tanker and the northern coast of britain was covered in oil.did maggie slate the americans?no we just got on with cleaning it up.f*****g arsehole of a man
  7. thats a bit stuck up mate.way i see it not all hunters and shooters live in country cottages in the country and go hob nobbing with the laird or the gentry.most have been brought up in council estates and grassing to the cops is a no no where i come from.the cops should realise to get respect they must give it aswell.
  8. very good apart from the huntley jibe
  9. know a lad with a similar prob he only had 3 kits to rear his dog killed the jill.now if my memory serves me [bANNED TEXT] he used a bag of milk supplement for sheep or lambs whatever.it came in a big bag he got it from a farmer.maybe someone on here will know.they wont be far away from munching meat aswell.
  10. i wouldnt mate you will only get the know it alls with there ignorant comments
  11. I neither show or make money from my poleys and tbh its got f**k all to do with anyone what other people do.i dont ask yous to pay for there keep and its not as if there gonna bite you.and the ones i have are good poleys.this is the problem with most lads if you do something from the norm your either a anti or a tree hugger or in it for the cash.
  12. yea i got a few jokes but i dont really condem ppl for doing so.there are jokes about everything these days and tbh its just the norm.it was like the haiti disaster they started sending them hours later.could have@least waited till the dust settled
  13. No matter how low a man sinks,he will never reach the level of the police
  14. i 100% agree like i said i knew him but if i was on my way back from shooting( stalking) and seen him waltzing dawn the street shooting people i would have 100% shot him maybe just in the arm but i would hae to do something. hands up all them who would do the same if i had access to a shotgun and i knew for certain he had killed people,and he was shooting at people in my street then i would have no hesitation in blasting his face off.but the thing is if you werent sure of what was happening i certainly woudnt armm myself and go looking for him.it would have to be in my street and i woul
  15. i have two a brother and sister.i have kept poleys for a number of years and it was more curiosity than anything else.The jill is grand and she works fine as does her brother.what i noticed with the two i have is the jill will hide food quick as it is put down for them.she also will take your finger in her mouth but there is no pressure and is actually a cracking wee jill.her brother on the other hand lol he is more shady i can handle him its just occasionaly he will bite if he is excited nothing vicious and tbh he is getting better.ill keep them anyway i have a massive court and i like poleys
  16. I dont think gun owners need to do a dam thing, in fact they should resist ANY attempt to change the law. Yea and that worked well for gunowners in the wake of dunblane.
  17. My point is if the Gun owners don't attempt to do anything about it then they may have things change for them!!! And by anti's that will be unfair and over the top. If the Gun Owners are seen to be looking for a solution so things like this don't happen again then maybe they wont be hit with such ridiculous bans and such like. Maybe introduce a mental health check every 12 months? If you're guns mean something to you then you've got to do something about it to see to it that they don't get banned. fair point buddy, yea wouldnt do any harm to be seen to control your own sport
  18. Me personally i dont think the goverment should do anything,by all means have your enquiry.But at the end of the day this was a guy who for whatever reason flipped his lid ad went on a rampage with a shotgun.any other place other than the rural area he was in he would have been met the lads with the heckler and koch and he would be either dead or in custody.(but most of the gunmen turn it on themselfs ie hungerford.dunblane)it was tragic and the familys and friends will have to live with it unfortunaetly.think the gun laws we have right now dont need to be changed they work fine imo.no matter
  19. Yes I am sure that would be of interest to you ATF :wankerzo4: It's of no interest to me you raving Predator! You're the one that brought it up then cried about it because no one showed any interest in your undercover record book of child beasts. And it's AFT not ATF. Yes nice talking to you FTA .... :drag: You have a creative mind TFA ... If I held up a pair of dead rabbits I suppose you could have child like thoughts about that also... I suggest seeing a shrink brfore the problem get's outa hand.... theres something not right about you Maybe
  20. Yes I am sure that would be of interest to you ATF :wankerzo4: It's of no interest to me you raving Predator! You're the one that brought it up then cried about it because no one showed any interest in your undercover record book of child beasts. And it's AFT not ATF. Yes nice talking to you FTA .... :drag: You have a creative mind TFA ... If I held up a pair of dead rabbits I suppose you could have child like thoughts about that also... I suggest seeing a shrink brfore the problem get's outa hand.... theres something not right about you
  21. So your theory would be if the public were armed they could have taken him out?i see a lot of problems arising there mate.the cops get sketchy reports they rush to the area and half the public are running about with guns.its the uk we live in not dodge city.this is an isolated case,well what i mean is we in the uk fortuaneatly dont have this type of tragedy happening regular.So in my opinion that would be a foolish road to go down.Also the normal joe bloggs isnt trained or aware of the situation and having the public running around armed would only result in more innocent people being killed.
  22. after todays tragedy it wont be long till there airgun fiascos will be soon ended.
  23. just throw in chopped up pieces of rabbits and chicken.they will be muching on it before their eyes open.all the best with them
  24. another sad day where innocent people are killed my thoughts to all them that were affected by this senseless act
  25. if he does not know what you mean by a jill jab then take your fert to another vet if your thinking of getting it splayed.its obvious he knows nothing about them.
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