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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. dont soak it.i use chudleys myself 23 quid for a bag and they eat it no probs.i give mine fresh meat aswell,but there is always dty available for them.never had any probs with it.
  2. Round Up is bang on!!! I sprayed my path with it (which was a bleedin' mess) about a year ago and the Path is still completely clear of any weeds now. Dogs are safe to walk on it once it dried. If you're going to use it, use it when there is no rain, because if it rains it dilutes it and it won't be as effective. cheers lads ill get that tomorrow
  3. hey does anyone know of a good weed killer thats safe to use around dogs?gonna spray my paths and want something that works but as i said friendly towards my dog.
  4. heard they make a good pan of soup
  5. they dont get my money mate You've got very little choice where I'm from mate. its getting the same in scotland now,worked all over down south for years and it trully saddened me to see english towns and citys looking like a baghdad market place.but its the same im my town.walking up the high street on a sat affternoon its like the f*****g UN, and albanians sitting with babys begging for cash.and the cops turn a blind eye cause they dont want the hassle of communicating with someone who doesnt speak english!ive seen old romanian women selling the big issue aswell well a true b
  6. they dont get my money mate
  7. You've got to watch out for those hard-line militant gingers...you know, the ones with the beards Richard Stilgoe, Boris Becker.....van Gogh types....they're taking over whole areas of some estates. It's getting so as no brown-haired person can walk the streets safely in some parts of Luton. You have not been locked in your bedroom again listening to them Screwdriver records have you? Next thing it will be old copies of Spearhead and the Brutal Attack poster will come out and hey presto, you will morph into Scothunter!! aye very good wilf lol but i was never a into
  8. cracking set up for the ferts
  9. dont know much about it,but isnt there some scheme or something that pays or helps to pay vet bills?
  10. cant see ratzi the nazi lasting long as your avator
  11. BP have been seen to be dragging their feet getting this problem sorted. They should be plans in place to deal with these issues and imo BP should foot the bill 100% to clean their mess up. FFS they put people in space and on the Moon but cannot cap a oil well. Its been an enviromental disaster that lessons have to be learned from. dont agree mate,the billions of lost revenue is collosal.im pretty certain they are NOT dragging there feet.yea your right mate there is lessons to be learned.and its horrendous wahts happened seeing those pics of birds is trully horrible.my point
  12. I have also spent a lot of time living in different areas, with different groups of people, including the better part of a year living in Bute Town in cardiff which is something like 90% Somali. My point was that being involved in peoples lives, working with them to try and sort things out, you actually see the conflicts and contradictions, whereas just looking from the outside with an extremely prejudiced, pre-existing racist mindset . . . . . i just don't think you will ever see how backwards your racism really is. lol im looking from the outside.no offense but dont talk shit mate.i
  13. now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that. O.K then last year my mate approached me and told me an idiot we have living on the estate who been locked up twice for mugging pensioners had shown his lad bragging of an automatic pistol complete with a clip of bullets and asked me wat he should do as he didnt want any greif to his door i just said think wat happend to that poor lad in liverpool on his way home from football practise and wat his family will have to go through for the rest of their lives and knowing a c@nt like that
  14. Our lads are backing them up and he gives us this.Prick Pull our lad out know.Will make a point of reading the book if it wasnt for the security of britain mate i would agree pull the troops out and leave them to it.but i dont think the majority of americans share the same view as him.Obama is a racist and if it wasnt for the republicans candidates for presidency he wouldnt have been sitting in the white house today.shamefull slur on a nation who has stood shoulder to shoulder with america.but as i said im sure most americans dont feel the same Your right bud.Obama should re
  15. now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that.
  16. I have also spent a lot of time living in different areas, with different groups of people, including the better part of a year living in Bute Town in cardiff which is something like 90% Somali. My point was that being involved in peoples lives, working with them to try and sort things out, you actually see the conflicts and contradictions, whereas just looking from the outside with an extremely prejudiced, pre-existing racist mindset . . . . . i just don't think you will ever see how backwards your racism really is. lol im looking from the outside.no offense but dont talk shit mate.i
  17. Our lads are backing them up and he gives us this.Prick Pull our lad out know.Will make a point of reading the book if it wasnt for the security of britain mate i would agree pull the troops out and leave them to it.but i dont think the majority of americans share the same view as him.Obama is a racist and if it wasnt for the republicans candidates for presidency he wouldnt have been sitting in the white house today.shamefull slur on a nation who has stood shoulder to shoulder with america.but as i said im sure most americans dont feel the same
  18. well its evidently obvious you have lived a shelterd life.maybe where you come from thats the norm,suppose you could always air your greviances to the chief consatble at your next lodge meeting I hope the police never granted you an SGC/FAC with an attitude like that ! can you imagine the interview 'Yes I would like a FAC/SGC as long as you don't expect me to be respectful of those who uphold the law or report crime' You really should get a grip of yourself if where you live is that bad you should move somewhere normal cos that ain't normal in most peoples views. so cause we d
  19. A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government's art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back. The bronze by Sir Jacob Epstein, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds if it were ever sold on the open market, enjoyed pride of place in the Oval Office during President Bush's tenure. But when British officials offered to let Mr Obama to hang onto the bust for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." you should read the book he hand in o
  20. not with me poacher i wouldnt let an ethnic treat me.EVER.and i have refused on a cpl of occasions,does that make me racist? IMO no it does not.i will choose and tbh i dont trust them.look at the 2 drs who had that terroist attack on glasgow airport.i wonder how long it will be before some fanatical muslim working in a hospital gets the idea to start injecting patients with some deadly contagious disease.now that wpould be a better way than blowing themselfs up or flying planes into a building. So say you were in a different part of the country and were involved in a rta and was rushed to
  21. lol there a big diffrence in working in a school than living your whole life in the such areas you described.you just dont get it do you.
  22. lol there a big diffrence in working in a school than living your whole life in the such areas you described.you just dont get it do you. Thank f*ck your not in charge then. Who needs racists making any kind of important decisions, the country is messed up enough as it is. no offense but you think its bad now in this country.well it would get a damn sight force with a muslim or a black pm.we give them enougfh carte blanche without them making decisions on our behalf.if ever that happened we should all get together and shoot each other.the last man can turn off the lights To be f
  23. Thank f*ck your not in charge then. Who needs racists making any kind of important decisions, the country is messed up enough as it is. no offense but you think its bad now in this country.well it would get a damn sight force with a muslim or a black pm.we give them enougfh carte blanche without them making decisions on our behalf.if ever that happened we should all get together and shoot each other.the last man can turn off the lights To be fair mate - i just don't subscribe to your 'us and them' mentality divided on mandatory color lines. I'd rather split the country into 'the idi
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