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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. yea there some decent people on here. if i introduce a young kit to my group.just put them staight in.this time of the year the jills just mother it lol
  2. come on boys this it show the scots and paddies what were made of paddies?with a name like mickey!
  3. i did poacher the elephant is my favourite animal of all time,but there very strange at times.watched david attenbourough going for a swim in the sea with one i would love to try that.one of them things you would like to to do before you die. Same here but i dont know about swiming with them but have always dreamed of going to india and spotting tigers off the back of an elephant.atb dell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtoyN6rsSk0 makes me want to go 2moro You have got to admire them though.I think that would make you find out if your heart was in working order or your bo
  4. Sick to the back teeth of them now can't wait till they've gone then why the f**k do you breed them if you sick of them already. you got to stand up to your actions. Now it says now ,, they're all ready to go so a bit of a burden till they're picked up at the mo here we go another dancing to a difrent tune again 1. Litter mate unlike some who stick an untried snipped hob over all there jills ??? Madness if you ask me what do you mean untried snipped hob mate?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8xExiqpeeQ found it
  6. i did poacher the elephant is my favourite animal of all time,but there very strange at times.watched david attenbourough going for a swim in the sea with one i would love to try that.one of them things you would like to to do before you die.
  7. The tories f****d us in latter years,labour shafted us in recent years,and now the tories will do the same again.there all power hungry useless c**ts!
  8. been a cpl year since i bred a litter.but yea its good to see new life in the court.
  9. see we can have a bit of friendly banter SG there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol $250 and you pay the shipping for a similar set on the skull, will send pics if interested ...I have so many that I have no room left to hang them ... I live in a small house now..... how about i just pay the shipping ya miserable b*****d ill send you a haggis you could start a breeding programme I am pretty sure I know what haggis is ---- Go ahead and send a box with return shipping paid and I'll fill it up for ya..... see we can have a bit of friendly banter S
  10. see we can have a bit of friendly banter SG there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol $250 and you pay the shipping for a similar set on the skull, will send pics if interested ...I have so many that I have no room left to hang them ... I live in a small house now..... how about i just pay the shipping ya miserable b*****d ill send you a haggis you could start a breeding programme I am pretty sure I know what haggis is ---- Go ahead and send a box with return shipping paid and I'll fill it up for ya.....
  11. there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol $250 and you pay the shipping for a similar set on the skull, will send pics if interested ...I have so many that I have no room left to hang them ... I live in a small house now..... how about i just pay the shipping ya miserable b*****d ill send you a haggis you could start a breeding programme
  12. there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol
  13. think you all are guilty of bad grammar,its "DYSLEXIA"!!!!
  14. smart arse i had to go back and see what what you were talking about there lol
  15. good one aswell dosser.hey old jimmy stewart in that vid was fighting hard not to cry at the finish.that poem he wrote himself about his own dog.im the same FTB im not ashamed to admit ill shed a tear for my old bitch.i know everyone says this about their own dog but i couldnt have asked for a better dog.never gave me a bit of trouble in her whole life.
  16. well that was certainly very educational.and i have a diffrent view on it as i first thought.still dont shoot lions lol
  17. the innocent people the brave soldiers killed wernt mistake,s they ment to kill and set people up for loyalist hit men to kill we could go on like this for years but we are not going to agree on many a thing,i have my views some facts because i was there and seen the things happen.there is no party over here tottally innocent and that includes the ira ,loyalist partys,and the british govermentand last but not least the army. never said there were.the loyalists did some horrendous stuff aswell to innocent people aswell.my point was please dont make out that the ira were whiter than white
  18. cheers aaron that was very imformative and certainly gave me an insight into it a bit better.pity some others cant be more imformative than just resorting to insults.
  19. as i previously stated the ira killed their oh and i remember the manchester bomb they called it in and when the cops started moving the innocent people away from the bomb to the other end of the high street the real bomb went off.among the dead was a little boy buying his mother a mothers day present.not forgetting the bandsmen they killed.or mountbatton killing him his young grandchildren and a small catholic boy who had a summer job on the lake.you have some f*****g balls calling soldiers murdering scum.if it wasnt so tragic it would be funny.oh well the SAS werent long in curbing your murd
  20. im sure it wasnt as many as a thousand you said,but as i dont know for sure ill give you the benefit of the doubt,no matter it was a ludicrous idea and probally offensive to some people and there your reason it dissapeared.
  21. lol no offence blan but were you really expecting a serious reply?if my memory serves me correctly.you said do you think a 100 down syndromes could take over the town you live in. how the hell can someone seriously give you an answer to that?
  22. by your own admission you said he was a wind up merchant.most of his threads are there to get a reaction.were not really jumping on them as you put it.its a forum we are all entitled to our opinions.we should have jumped on your thread the other day about down syndromes taking over a town
  23. sorry to hear that mate well you done all you could thats what matters.
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