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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. gordon ramsey is a prick.i didnt dodge anything! good for him if helped him.but he clearly isnt a family orenintated person now is he/never saw or spoke to his sister in years.so i have my doubts to actually how far he went in helping his brother.as for your scenario well i wouldnt class it any diffrent from any drunk driver,who got in his car and killed a load of people.same as there loads who walk about a building sites everyday.either under the influence of drink or weed.that was a weak attempt at a scenario.
  2. Well that would be completely diff then wouldn't it if it was a friend or family member because you would have an emotional tie with that person. In that case i would do everything in my power to help them. If they threw it back in my face for doing so they would be on there own i'm afraid. Is Gordon Ramsay a cold hearted prick because he doesn't help his smackhead of a brother..........no!!! He has tried and had it thrown back in his face. There are people out there who want the help and people who dont and gazza falls into the latter, so he can take his own path as far as i am concerned.
  3. lol see its wee face poking out that bag
  4. its pretty obvious some of you dont know anything about being alchohol dependent.i trully and sincerlry hope that none of your friends or family suffer from this illness.cause clearly you will brand them a loser and disown them,cause they brought it on themselfs.lets hope if it does happen to your family there will be sympathetic people and someone who actually knows what there talking about to help them.must be great living the perfect life eh guys.
  5. try him with rabbit or if you cant get any,get turkey legs from asda they love it and its not expensive.as for the losing hair and rats tail.i wouldnt worry to much they do tend to moult and their hormones are all over the place at this time of the year.just keep an eye on him if he dont eat the turkey or rabbit maybe a quick check up to make sure he aint caught something.
  6. that joke came out with nelsons eye
  7. pm me i got one you can have to keep.tis just lying there gathering dust.written by david bezzant pretty imformative.
  8. cracking mate,no bad from when u first started.
  9. not on facebook load of pish.its for bairns.anyway f**k the antis be the last c**ts id be scared of upsetting
  10. yea always looked back on my life and wished i had travelled more.ah well guess some people get the breaks in life or maybe i just wasnt motivated enough.if i win the lotto tonight ill take use all on a safari somewhere lol.no bows allowed though
  11. not just sport gnasher,the british press are renound for their brutal reporting and knocking someone down.sometimes its a good thing,but in gazzas case thats the gutter end of reporting.but if he dont want help then their aint much you can do about it.the reporter in this case was only doing his job,rightly or wrongly it got the desired affect.
  12. im sure there were a lot easier way to identify similar looking ferrets without dying the poor bugger mate.stick a collar on one if you find it that hard to identify it.imo that looks a bloody mess mate.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlfKdbWwruY&feature=channel and he is still going strong
  14. no whereof interst?dunno about that clint i wouldnt mind seeing some things in that vid.not so sure about that rock @3.10 in norway. f**k you wouldnt need to suffer from vertigo lol wonder how many have actually fell to their deaths gotta be a cpl.
  15. dont use one now lol but as i said i used to when i was a kid never had any mishaps in using one though
  16. i read about him online.he used to work in an office creating computer games.he used to do that wee dance in the office in front of his mate when they were going for lunch.few year later after starting his own game design company he sold it and now travels the world.aye good luck to him wish i had his doe to that myself.
  17. eh thats a reporters job DOH! the more pissed he was the better the coverage.text book stuff as far a reporters concerned.
  18. my old man was in the masons,in fact made it all the way to the royal arch.dont think he ever forgave me for not joining but never really appealed to me.lot of daft wee boys playing secret games.im sure there was more to it than that,but all the guys i seen at masonic doos and in the pub seemed total tossers and to many cops for my liking.having said that i will give them this,they do a lot for charity and a few times my old man was involved in sending terminal ill kids and their parents off for a holiday and sometimes treatment.
  19. Are we ment to feel sorry for him because he is an alcoholic like? Not me! Lets not kid ourselves that hes had some hard life, he was a great talent that couldn't handle it and went down a slippery slope. Some people may like to think of him as the cheeky chappy but some might just think he is a bum. guys got problems no wish for him to wanna get shot though is it.your quick to condem otheres for stupid remarks. As you know already..................tongue in cheek pitifull attempt at being funny there.but then again you are a prick
  20. Are we ment to feel sorry for him because he is an alcoholic like? Not me! Lets not kid ourselves that hes had some hard life, he was a great talent that couldn't handle it and went down a slippery slope. Some people may like to think of him as the cheeky chappy but some might just think he is a bum. guys got problems no wish for him to wanna get shot though is it.your quick to condem otheres for stupid remarks.
  21. id like to actually see one dell,well thats if there actually any left.ive heard of people saying they have came across them but think it was further up north.although avimore i would think is a prob a good area for them to live in.wouldnt wanna try and pick one up lol
  22. I'd like to shoot one with my archery tackle! shotgun sniper you realy are the stereo typical yanky fuckwit the best thing is that was matts pet cat.im sure matt would have something to say about that!
  23. lol ask him to skype you
  24. lol u got a thing for judges ass
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