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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. never fails to amaze me,that the same lads calling us bigots and secterian,are the 1st to post when there a thread about losing our identity to muslims and other illegals.we cant do this and cant do that cause it will offend the minoritys.we cant fly the union flag as it also offends people.yet an organisation loyal to queen and country are branded bigots and should be banned for exercising their rights in their own country.a predomanatly protestant country i might add.take away the hard core element that you will find in every organisation.ive had some great days at the parades over the years
  2. prob regret asking judge but waht is fart gas?and how did you discover this remarkable repellent. its a gas in a can that smells of breaking wind, an old bloke told me about it after a fishing trip. ned to try that next time im away fishing mate
  3. i think you will find we were joking.
  4. should be stopped along with speaking in their own language in public places.bring in a 3 strike rule,if they break the rules then deport them.but its pointless the treacherous c**ts who govern us dont have the balls to introduce these laws.to scared of losing votes and being branded a racist.sickening who we choose to govern us.personally they should be put against the wall and shot for crimes against the british people.especially that tony blair.never liked him from the very start.spoke to you like you were 5years old.pretencious prick.
  5. yea good idea cause your just showing what a total weirdo you are!
  6. ok you can cut and paste,why dont you resurect the israel thread from weeks ago again if your looking for an argument with someone.seriously though piss off your an idiot and a messer.and wold be gratefull to any lads to read this thread from the start and see how much this guy is messed up in the head.so answer me this why are you posting this after posting that of which i didnt reply again/your drunk arent you admit it. YOUR LAST POST TO ME! You dont have to.I grew up with good friend who were members.But as we all got older and wiser we all now agree.It,s all a load of crap in both cam
  7. pretty obvious you know nothing about it then. So put me right.The Orange Order should be left in the past were it belong,s im not going to put you right.you obviously have your own opinions on it and nothing i say will make a blind bit of diffrence.so its pointless and im not getting into a debate about it.sorry if u were looking for another argument but im not gonna indulge you.write to the orange order of scotland and if your interested. It,s prick,s like you i grow to hate. you sit behind your keyboard and shout out your hatred.30 year,s the good people of Irel
  8. pretty obvious you know nothing about it then. So put me right.The Orange Order should be left in the past were it belong,s im not going to put you right.you obviously have your own opinions on it and nothing i say will make a blind bit of diffrence.so its pointless and im not getting into a debate about it.sorry if u were looking for another argument but im not gonna indulge you.write to the orange order of scotland and if your interested. It,s prick,s like you i grow to hate. you sit behind your keyboard and shout out your hatred.30 year,s the good people of Irel
  9. whys that the guy was a c**t and needed shooting,the cops were doing their job,protecting people like me and you from c**ts like him,i think the cop who shot him should be in the new years honours list no mater its there job to get him to court to face up to what he did,a live,its the cops thought hes dead, manslaughter its his own fault hes dead for being a cracked c**t and its defo not manslaughter its fecking job done would you think it was manslaughter if it was your brother or dad that he shot or if you was a resident of rothbury having to lock yourself and family away cos the
  10. just fire straw or shavings down mate
  11. this time of the year and one thats a good worker mate ATB to a fellow scott lol
  12. guy in my street had a special edition one.jps was emblazoned on it/the fag company
  13. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. prob regret asking judge but waht is fart gas?and how did you discover this remarkable repellent.
  15. good on you mate cracking wee fella
  16. in my expierence f**k all works when it comes to midges.i had an expierence that i will never forget at rannoch moor once.i was literally being eaten alive.im a big laddie and can handle a fair bit of pain but i was close to f*****g crying that night.you should do that with kiddy fiddlers,strip the beasts maked tie them to a tree up in the highlands for a week.im pretty sure it would send you mad.
  17. pretty obvious you know nothing about it then. So put me right.The Orange Order should be left in the past were it belong,s im not going to put you right.you obviously have your own opinions on it and nothing i say will make a blind bit of diffrence.so its pointless and im not getting into a debate about it.sorry if u were looking for another argument but im not gonna indulge you.write to the orange order of scotland and if your interested.
  18. changed my mind where do i get a breeding pair
  19. non of the pepole who are marching are from southport. Been loads of fights already. Who picks up the cost for the event? Resourcing additional Police, building security, loss of revenue as a result of the parking restrictions must all have a capital cost attached which need to be recovered from someones budget whos paying for the ss visit to britain. lol aye old ratzi the nazi well respected member of the Schutzstaffel
  20. pretty obvious you know nothing about it then.
  21. its a retarded ferret and should be fazed out
  22. non of the pepole who are marching are from southport. Been loads of fights already. Who picks up the cost for the event? Resourcing additional Police, building security, loss of revenue as a result of the parking restrictions must all have a capital cost attached which need to be recovered from someones budget you know that for a fact that none are from southport?i very much doubt that.as for the fights well crowds and drink usually make that stuff happen. get trouble makers at all events.football protests and such like.
  23. well just cause you dont want them there,thats not to say others feel the same way as you do.
  24. is that a constable with the cart in the river chimp?wouldnt mind getting one done myself need to dig out an old pic of my lurcher but its something id be interested in.also could he do me a full size painting of the FUHRER!
  25. yea good old mel has blown it this time i reckon.be a long time before a movie studio hires him.he aint short of a few quid though prob make his own movies again
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