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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. hmmm dunno never heard he was in the uk.aye best tell the young one to be polite,pretty sure he likes his ears intact lol
  2. good on her,im the same as chimp noooooo jumping out of perfectly working planes.
  3. It's not apathy my friend, and i agree with a lot of what you have said. You make salient well articulated points, and although there are of course plenty of counter arguments which are equally as valid, you opinion is interesting to hear. Whats not needed however is juvinile racism that wholly depends on lack of knowledge and gross generalisation based upon the actions of a few individuals, and that is often what is tossed about here. and you know what buttons to press to get them going
  4. uneducated unwashed and prob unloved when they were kids.
  5. im suprised you have to ask lol Because they are c**ts mate. And they usually don't get far. My point was our country is going to shit and you can't lay the blame of even half of it at the door of outsiders. you antifa by any chance?
  6. someone once quoted a "patriotisim is the last hiding place for a scoundrel"
  7. im suprised you have to ask lol
  8. There is a big difference between being a racist and being patriotic mate, I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here and tries to integrate with our society to make the country a better place,but to come here and try to drag our culture into the gutter well I do have a problem with that,and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views a racist well that is just the society we live in now. Right and wearing a Burkha is to 'drag our culture into the gutter', if your worried about our culture mate i'd take a long look at the sorry excuse for what passes as a brit these da
  9. then we will have none left in the country thinking like that.and i for one like to see them as i suppose a lot others do too.
  10. ok im a complete novice and what do you mean put eggs under.cant i just buy a few finches i like,then if they breed they breed.im guessing this is a complicated hobby.
  11. bet we aint allowed to use them the real reason for all this is just to see how far our cowardly goverment bends over to please these c**ts.and the other reason is they know some day there will be civil unrest when they demand something that directly affects us.then when the riots starts and were battling with the cops they can sit back and laugh their black arses off.
  12. you will be looking for that baking tray come christmas for the turkey lol looking good though they enjoy a wee splash about
  13. it was a belter mate real bad like lol think it was on the net for about an hour then all traces gone
  14. thats the prob with the judicial system in this country,until you actually break the law the cops wont intervene.rember a case where a beast told his social worker that in all probabaility when he was released from prison he would prey and groom kids again.still let him out.utter madness and certainly not best way to be protecting kids.law needs a radical shake up and if a few civil libertys are stepped on so be it.its just the times we live in sadly.
  15. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds. wasnt aimed at you,was just reading through the thread.oh and i wasnt being smart by that either was just asking.dont know musch about the ratio of birds a sparrow hawk would take in a season.but surely people who rear birds must take that into consideration that some will be lost.
  16. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds. wasnt aimed at you,was just reading through the thread.oh and i wasnt being smart by that either was just asking.dont know musch about the ratio of birds a sparrow hawk would take in a season.but surely people who rear birds must take that into consideration that some will be lost.
  17. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds. wasnt aimed at you,was just reading through the thread.oh and i wasnt being smart by that either was just asking.dont know musch about the ratio of birds a sparrow hawk would take in a season.but surely people who rear birds must take that into consideration that some will be lost.
  18. as i previously stated if he WAS a grass then good riddance,but i have to add for them saying he beat up kids,well i aint doubting you but what was the circumstances?i remember a few threads back of the teenagers setting fire to a dog a lot said they would do the same to the twisted little shits who did that.lot of speculation going around and prob half isnt even true.or at least over exagerated.oh and i done the doors for many years and just cause you do that for a job dont make you some raving loony.this guy obviously had serious issues to do what he did.
  19. oh you missed a cracker mate,worse ive ever heard.threatened to kill her,he was like a man possessed.allegedly he punched her teeth out when she was holdng the kid.obviously there an up and coming court case so hence the reason it been taken down.
  20. looks like mels lawyers have been working busy,that last call has been removed from youtube.
  21. surely you would lose a lot more if you were caught shooting sparrow hawks and peregrines.
  22. cheers guys ill start with british birds though i can always get help from some of the lads on here if i run into probs.but again cheers for the replys well appreciated
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