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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. yea she could be under a multitude of huts around me.and as i said the garden she went into well his whole back is decking.ive got the cage trap out always leave on set at all times anyway.just in case.ive asked arpound and let them know its lost.the family two doors have a a few pet rabbits and a wee fancy run for them. im just hope she dont come across that.
  2. cheers mate keep going to look but cant see a bloody sign of it.aye she was tame but she a hybrid most will think its a mink or something lol
  3. i notice that the lads disaproving are always the main contributors to these threads.
  4. heres hoping god knows where it is by now.few cats wander around here though.im usually always bloody carefull thats whats me pissing me off.
  5. well pissed off at myself.was out at the couut and never noticed one of my jills had gotten behind me and out the door.just had time to see her dart under the back fence and into a garden over the back of me.thing is he has his whole back decked out.spent last hour looking to no avail.apart from ripping up his decking which i dont think he will go for nithing much i can do.done the usual left a cage trap out hut door open,but tbh i think thats the last ive seen of my hybrid.thats the first on all the years i have lost one of my charges.bugger was off like lighting.might come back or maybe that
  6. aye gonna record it on sky hate all those bloody adverts
  7. rocky would have caught those cockerels
  8. chickens hunt mice and frogs and eat them.well i never!
  9. very lucky with my neighbours thank f**k.can ruin ur happiness having shit next door neighbours/hope u get your move soon mate
  10. very imformative by the looks of it.
  11. anyone know him?where abouts is his estate
  12. You can do this also, via phone easy enough. were do we find the number mate yea dont know what he means either?ive checked its just paypal
  13. watched a thing about london water,did you know its recyled water from waste.dont quote me but think its like recyled 3 times.guess its all healthy and safe but :sick:
  14. as hard as this might sound but their are cops out there that dont need a reason to do stuff like that.as folk on here call raul a nutter and a thug,cops can be aswell. but he said the lad tried to swerve into him,and as the vid clearly showed that was a lie.and the police commision and court thought so as well.he was repramanded for falsify his report sheet.but kept his job! I was suprised to see that the cyclist wasn't black.....usually enough for the yanks to dish out an ass whooping lol aye suppose rodney king would agree.there f*****g brutal some of those american coppers
  15. tbh i didnt think you lads down south still had hose pipes bans.i just thought that was an emergency thing few years back when we had a really hot spell.just come up here and steal ours lol we got plenty.
  16. as hard as this might sound but their are cops out there that dont need a reason to do stuff like that.as folk on here call raul a nutter and a thug,cops can be aswell. but he said the lad tried to swerve into him,and as the vid clearly showed that was a lie.and the police commision and court thought so as well.he was repramanded for falsify his report sheet.but kept his job!
  17. after watching a few on youtube,i have to say the british bobby may very well be dicks at times,but f**k me those american cops are thugs
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXzRczBk06M what a hero eh oh he was let of scott free btw but did get a slap on the wrists for lying in his report. the lad on bike was charged with resistin arrest and attempted police assualt hahahah
  19. Thats what i get for christmas every year a new meat tin :laugh: they spoil you kay ;p; Oh they do .. it usually come wrapped in tin foil
  20. Thats what i get for christmas every year a new meat tin :laugh: they spoil you kay ;p;
  21. i would have back filled it
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdK6wigkLlo you would think she would have objected at them filming her lol
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