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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. yea it is a bit of a shame and good on you,but come on the driver prob never even saw it.
  2. yea ive heard that a few times.very good lol
  3. good advice mate and glad it all turned out ok for you.
  4. scothunter

    enoch powell

    yea he was right and like today the people who govern us dont f*****g listen.
  5. yea i heard the same tale,but im inclined to go with malt,there sleekit horrible b*****ds rats and a few bits of ferret shit want deter them.if i seen a rat out my back garden im afraid it would be more than ferret shit id put down.id cover every inch with gins lol
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q7mXN0xKLY&feature=related poor c**t in the motor got it tight!!!!
  7. i was just wondering what you guys use to feed your dogs?im currently on the look out for a lurcher pup.want to use a dry food aswell tripe and beef and such like.im just looking for a good brand thats not to expensive.lost my old lurcher other day and she used to only eat butchers in tins rather not got down that road with a new dog.so any good feedng tips for puppy and adult would be appreciated.
  8. if there solely around the farm all the time,then dont see any harm in feeding them to ferts.where i am i wouldnt as all the ferals are rats with wings and raking in all sorts.
  9. he has obviously met something in the burrow,that is more ferocious than a bunny.
  10. :victory: thats exactly what i would suggest.
  11. Welcome to the forum Weren't they Exocet missiles sold by the French? I remember watching something on the TV and they said the French sold the Argie Bargies the Missiles. But the French said they wouldn't give them the data to launch the Missiles, only for us to find out later that they did give them the codes/data to fire the missiles at our boys. I'm pretty sure that's what they said happened, I could be wrong though, it was a while back when I seen the documentary. your right it was exocet made by the french and sold to the argies.the british goverment went to the fren
  12. its devasting when that happens,kinda wastes your up coming winter if your only limited to one area of permission.i had it bad once a few years back hardly a thing to feed the poleys,had to do a bit of wandering for a while lol
  13. An american going on about "world affairs" ......we were givving fuzzy wuzzys a taste of cold steel a long time before the founding fathers even got their feet wet You go round the world, starting fights that your public and your goverment dont have the guts to see through to the end because you have all been crying in your beer for 40 years about Vietnam. Clowns mate, thats what you are, clowns. One little bang and the whole world is meant to come and back you up and follow your lead. Its a well known fact that most americans have as much idea about world events and other cultures
  14. Why would we want to do anthing about the Irish blowing up a few limeys? And why do you use a picture of your wife's arse for an avatar? You can't be proud of an arse like that ! and why would we bother about 9/11,pity you werent there I would like to say no Brits were at the WTC gound zero but I believe they had a few offices there may they rest in peace and may thier loved ones carry on respectfully.... I didn't see any Brits at the Oklahoma bombing after Mcvey did his dirty deed... And rightly so as it was considered home grown domestic violence..... I believe if the IRA want
  15. Why would we want to do anthing about the Irish blowing up a few limeys? And why do you use a picture of your wife's arse for an avatar? You can't be proud of an arse like that ! and why would we bother about 9/11,pity you werent there I would like to say no Brits were at the WTC gound zero but I believe they had a few offices there may they rest in peace and may thier loved ones carry on respectfully.... I didn't see any Brits at the Oklahoma bombing after Mcvey did his dirty deed... And rightly so as it was considered home grown domestic violence..... I believe if the IRA want
  16. yea mine walked in my back door after being away for a good cpl hours.but i wouldnt wanna test that theory again lol
  17. good point for people with insurance and those who kennel them. fortunaetly i dont use pet insurance and dont go on holiday. hate foreigners lol
  18. well im getting another pup so if you get a source et me know mate
  19. yea ditch shitters thread is pinned on health section.me personally i get them all there jags as pups and never get them boosters.just put my old lurcher down yesterday and in all her 16yyears never had a booster.
  20. sorry to here that mate,i had a dog last year back legs went and some of the famly was wontin to hold on bet feck that it was hart breakin to see him like that so had him pts,about 60pound it cost cheers mate,aye it was the hardest thing ive done in a while.poor old bugger but at 16 she had a great life and was well cared for.i miss her already. £77it cost
  21. agreed but sometimes you need them,like i gotta take my old lurcher in today to get PTS in all probability i will pay well over the odds but cant stand seeing her unable to support her back end any longer.
  22. wonder how many who shout their mouth off defending them will give up their cash. as for LF i said that from day one he was an anti.even the name suggests it.lurchers "FRIEND" as opposed to what?we arent there friends and get them to do bad stuff.
  23. cracking pics tomo my best think it was 46 or 48 cant right mind.
  24. BBC 2 at 9...........something involving a falcon seemingly yea ballantyne calls her a idiot i think.and his usual "IM OUUT" Is he an anti loving scumbag then or does he just hate her business plan...? Gone down in my estimations if he is... Oh i dunno mate how he stands on that.he is just a pretty obnoxious c**t like the rest of them,especially that bitch woman.smarmy cow!
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