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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Greyhound Transport UK on 07891096706. guys name is dave and he is really sound and does a good service at a resonable price
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbix4bXEhvA you mean this duke? god bless him lol
  3. Why not go the whole hog and snap their eye teeth of.or get you mum to sew its gob up.
  4. lol@you lot very judgemental and cynical.
  5. yea malt i was gonna leave her till tea time cause i know a pup can be a bit of squealer if they get hurt,but even lying on the couch everytime she moved she was yelping the house down.poor wee bugger.ive to call back at 5pm and they will tell me the news.hopefully i wont have an 8week old pup in a f*****g stookie lol. A £1,000 f**k makes me wanna go back on the bevy hahah.
  6. i thought this practise was left in by gone days.as others have said in no account muzzle a fert and enter it into a warren.
  7. £145 and thats just for xray and anesthetic.god knows what the final tally will be lol
  8. ah f**k it i need to take her to vet she is in pain
  9. ok folks had to go up the town today got a call from the gf who said the pup had hurt its back leg playing with a ball in the kitchen.came home and she wont put the leg down if you touched it at first she was yelping.anyway after a bit she let me touch it and i went all over the leg her toes foot are fine and can bend the 1st joint but she aint putting it on the ground.top of the leg seems ok but she has certainly hurt it someway.i dont think there anything broken.she asleep on the couch now.but sometimes if she moves it hurts her.i will take her to the vet if it is still as bad but was just w
  10. well i dont live the hunting life,if i did i would jack my job in and do it full time,but i suspect if i did that id be out of a home and on the street lol.its a past time for me.i go ferreting and a mooch with the dog to see what i can get.something i enjoy doing and it gets me away for a few hours doing something i find satisfying whether i get any quarry or not.always enjoyed being out of a morning or night just wandering around or working a burrow with my poleys.done it since i was a kid and will continue to do so as long as im still able to do so.i have a life and a lot of other commitmen
  11. yea there is always the hazard of something happening.used to get really para about it when i was younger,but thats the sport we do and there plenty pitfalls.once seen a dog jump over a dry stone dyke chasing a hare and landed in some farmers old scrap metal.wasnt my dog thank f**k but the noise it made will haunt me for ever.
  12. wait till the jill goes for a shit or a drink then sneak out.seen the jills dragging them out themselfs and leaving them in the shit corner,but yea take it out now mate nothing good ever came out of leaving dead carcasses around
  13. agreed guy i got my pup from here and his pups are credit to him very healthy and obviously looked after.
  14. im not looking for a world beater,my last lurcher was a proficient fox killer and was ok at the bunnies.she was nothing special in the field,however she was special to me and got her pts last week at the age of 16yrs.got a new pup and ill train her and give her the best,but if she dont become a great worker then so be it,but she will stay with me and be looked after until she passes away.but yea there are loads of pups this year and the sad thing is there prob a lot that will be kicked from pillar to post and thats just shit.grew up with greyhounds and was seriously involved in racing them a
  15. can you not spend euros in the uk?
  16. imo anyone who handles kits from day one is just asking for trouble.leave them be why would you wanna go disturbing her and handling her kits making the jill feel at unease.hell mend anyone losing kits doing this.
  17. good god no!that would make my ocd go haywire.
  18. ok i was at the vets this morning getting my new pup its first injection.thing is he gave her eurican L.anway i bring her back 20th of next month for her second one.he charged me 56 quid and according to the receptionist thats for both injections.also a drontal wormer in that.however my mate goes to a diffrent a vet and his pup is getting 3 injections.kinda confused.i mentioned to the vet about reading on here about pavro and he said its been 2year since he had a case in this area,but if i wanted for an extra 20quid he would give her an injection,thing is dont the standard injections cover all
  19. filthy looking things and look like they would kill you in a minute.and the hyenas dont look much better
  20. theres something satanic about hyenas i think.
  21. a few well trained and bred rhodesians would be the dog for that. i surpose they would but its finding a well bred ridgeback thats the problem. i wouldn't risk any of my dogs on a wolf i would leave it upto someone else. Ridgeback x irish wolfhound maybe decent? agreed judge,f**k rearing a dog and putting time in to have it mauled cause like you said finding the right bred rhodesian would be a prob.good post tho oh and your pics didnt offend cause i cant see them lol
  22. a few well trained and bred rhodesians would be the dog for that.
  23. it happens mate,but after 10 days with her kits im a bit suprised she would eat one.maybe she realised it was sub standard.
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