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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off. secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give. thanks for your help all the best you big man. thats rich coming from you with your past comments about northerns and jocks.get it to a vet or chap it on the head.
  2. sorry for your loss mate,recently lost my old bitch myself.
  3. i cant help but think mate this is what you get for tormenting and goading an animal that weighs (well i dunno what one of them woud weigh) but they have the power of a f*****g car hitting you,hope the young lad comes out ok. spot on!!! check this one out mate f*****g mental getting in the water/ring/cage with big animals like these :icon_eek: LINK idiotic if you ask me.there wild animals and no matter how much human interaction they get,imo they at some point will revert back to the wild instinct.wouldnt be me thats for sure.
  4. i cant help but think mate this is what you get for tormenting and goading an animal that weighs (well i dunno what one of them woud weigh) but they have the power of a f*****g car hitting you,hope the young lad comes out ok. cant see the clip on this damned netbook, what'd i miss? spanish bull fighting mate.the bull jumped over the ring into the crowd and ran amock.
  5. i cant help but think mate this is what you get for tormenting and goading an animal that weighs (well i dunno what one of them woud weigh) but they have the power of a f*****g car hitting you,hope the young lad comes out ok.
  6. not long back from durham just got the bitches litter brother ill post pics when i get a new camera.hopefully ive had my run of bad luck,its official i hate the month of august.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDArFMOUeRk i would have laughed but a 10 year old boy is seriously hurt.
  8. yea your right mate i didnt read full story properly.i do feel for them what a start to a new marrage
  9. didnt think many people still done that.ive got a book here written by a very good friend actually the same guy who got me into hunting when i was kid.the book has every single nest from every species on the isle of lewis you will need an ordance survey map of which i dont know f**k all about lol its just what birds and numbers and letters to show where they are.
  10. simple answer stay in the uk and spend your cash here.dont go abroad they f*****g hate us in the eu anyway.shower of b*****ds
  11. brillaint mate.and im sure this wont be your last to trip to bonnie scotland
  12. same style as ones i have,i always have two set 24/7 around my ferret court in case of escapees or just to see what is wandering around at night.dunno how many times ive caught hedgehogs in them lolwell done tho
  13. just like a human if you start passing blood then its something that needs immediate attention from a qualified person.i sincerley hope its nothing to serious mate.let us know how you get on.
  14. we are fine for ferrets at the moment thanks mate but have added you as a friend if thats ok its handy to keep in contact with ferreters local to you i always think speak to you soon and hope you have a good season this winter max this could be the start of a very beautifull friendship lol dunno which film that line was from but it stuck in my head ;p
  15. thank f**k ive never eaten a chinky or an indian meal in my life.
  16. disgusting and just goes to show the lack of respect and morals that some people have.trully saddening and makes you wonder what type of country this will be when were all old and drawing a pension.
  17. was just reading about them in the sun.seriously if i saw that in my house i would need councelling
  18. nice dog although they would probally ethnically cleanse your kennels out
  19. lol dont take it personal mate,just there a draconian way to work ferts.at least you asked and now decided against it.ATB with them anyway.
  20. good luck kye hope you win mate do it as a rememberance to 9/11
  21. Cheers and yea dell im usually pretty lucky but not this month .yep she in the best place the vets keeping her in the practise till she is recovered.if it wasnt getting rehomed i was bringing her back with me and keeping her as a pet as i said i never even considered having her PTS no matter what the cost shit state of affairs but thats the downside of owning dogs just goes to show you how easy a bad injury can occur no matter what precautions you take.
  22. just an update,the pup has broken her back leg.unbelievable playing with a ball in my kitchen and picked up this kind of injury.well she will need to have an operation and will have a framework on her leg and will have to have a collar and will need to be confined to a cage for 5 weeks.after speaking to the vet he explained she basically will need hand reared as she cannot be allowed to run about.well the receptionist in the practise has said she would take her think they all fell love with the pup.she was a cracker like.anyway i decided to sign the wee bitch over to her.there was no way i was
  23. £10 to steep ,and they say the jocks are tight c**ts lol
  24. what a f*****g scumbag you are.i just hope none of your family get cancer.f*****g horrible thing to say Nobody has cancer, get a life. maybe not but then maybe he has.still not very nice comment.oh and i have a life just thank f**k dont have your life if that your way of thinking
  25. what a f*****g scumbag you are.i just hope none of your family get cancer.f*****g horrible thing to say
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